Sunday, July 28, 2013

How Does It Always Turn Into a Hike?

Hey guys!

So this week was...well, it was like all the others. I mean, summer school is now over, so this week was just cleaning up and tying up loose ends and such. I'm not working tomorrow and Tuesday because of a lack of AC and a lack of real things to do, but that's alright. I'm glad to have a little break. 

I spent today doing homework, sleeping, and watching Supernatural. So, you know, the usual. Something that I just realized today is the fact that freaking BEDA starts this week. Like, what? I don't understand. I'm excited though, I could use some BEDA in my life. 

Mr. Yamamoto did a Mr. Yamamoto thing on Friday and when he came in he talked to me for like an hour and was all deep and stuff and it was kind of amazing. He said nice things about me and Jen, but he also just said a bunch of really cool things about doing good. He told me a bunch of really cool and interesting stories and it just kind of inspired me again. I mean, there's so much that I haven't been doing recently and I know that I should be but I just haven't. Hopefully this was just the push that Jen and I needed to get back into the game of doing things that we should. I hope it works well because it's a part of me that's kind of been missing recently and I don't want to lose it.

Enough of that. Time for sleep.... Maybe. 

Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (The experiment was good, but not the same...)
Why This Week Was Awesome: Wrapping Up
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head: 


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