Sunday, July 21, 2013


But I didn't!

This week was cray, so much so that I cannot encapsulate it in through words typed on my phone. This requires a laptop.

So I will be back!

AND I AM a full week later....see THAT is how cray it was.

We had Jump Start during the week of this post. And it was crazy. And stressful. But that is probably the most fun I have ever had all summer. It started on Thursday morning when Brandon and I met up at 9am to finish prepping some stuff and went all the way until around 2pm on Saturday when I loaded my stuff on the back of the Pilot and drove home-home for a 5-hour nap, an hour for dinner and a shower, and about a good 9 hours of sleep after that. All of it was necessary of course seeing as I got two hours of sleep the first night and zero the next--I was awake for a good 27 hours. And then I took a nap on the steps of QLC in Upper Campus. Yep. Good times.

The weekend was filled with freaking out the night before if what we were doing could potentially get us in serious trouble from lots of different people, Greek gods and goddesses, envelopes of clues, running around Costco for last minute cardboard-scavenging, lugging coolers and luggage, tons of screaming and real-life Slender Man fun, triremes in space, sexy purple tan lines, conceptual shrink rays, PB&J-powered spaceships, 15 dozen eggs, lo'i work, crazy dorm life stories, Waikiki drinks hour, scavenger hunt fun, the extended pack versions of Cards Against Humanity, a bag of looseleaf tea that looks mysteriously like weed, smoky bacon and almost setting off the fire alarm, awesome Mexican dinner, and tons of YOLO fun. 

Just. Jump Start is always a blast, no matter where you stand I think.
A lot of work goes into it--a crazy amount of brainpower. Well. Maybe because we decided to do three scavenger hunts in three days. We were definitely ambitious with a lot of things. Some went really well, some not so much, but hey, no one died. And from what we could tell, the comments were largely positive and the 2013s had fun and they really bonded.

All is well in the RAPS family and that is a great thing. :)

Risks: 51 (Zero sleep is about as YOLO as you can get with RAPS! Well, an a night of CAH...)
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 


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