Sunday, July 14, 2013

You Can Bribe Boys with Baked Goods

GAHHHHHHHHHHH You know that point when you're planning something that you're not even thinking about anything anymore but the moment when it is all over and you can say, "Whew! That was fun! Can I sleep now?" Well...I'm not at that point...yet?

Planning Jump Start has been a blast and then this week happened and it is still a blast, just a different kind of explosion. Honestly, though, everything is going pretty well considering that key people are currently off-island and all planning has occured over phone, Google Docs, and Facebook (save for one actual sit-down meeting with Russ and a couple in the beloved D-Lounge).

OK SCRATCH THAT. I was in the middle of writing this post as I was talking to Brandon (who is in charge of Activities) over Google Doc chat when he mentioned having a meeting with the whole (well, most of) the team tomorrow and I was like, "Wait, no, the meeting is on Tuesday!" And then I checked Facebook and CRAP. The meeting is tomorrow. NO WONDER BRANDON WAS FREAKING OUT AND I SPENT A GOOD FIVE MINUTES BEING MAMA JEN, COMFORTING AND ASSURING HIM THAT THE WEEKEND WILL BE FINE AND THAT WE HAVE TIME WHEN IN FACT WE HAVE NO TIME. I need to calm down. Ok. So...gonna have to cut this short because stuff needs to get done. 

I need to go BYEEEEE!

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Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 


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