Sunday, January 6, 2013


Let's start off the new year with a together post. Here is the annual recap of the previous year!

Things from The List Completed in 2012
P4A 2012 (For the video: littlethings and for more info on the charity:

BEDA(ugust) and BEDA(pril) 2012! (Jen's first ever LEGIT YEAR of BEDA!) 
Jollibee! (Right before Kendall left for college!)
Positive Pranking! (We went up in Manoa for a project with Barnesie! Check out the video of our adventure:
Play ding-dong ditch (Also a part of the Positive Pranking with Barnesie!)
Go to the school chapel lanai at night (umm take some pictures for evidence...) (Fair Weekend!)
Share a grapefruit for breakfast (It was a part of one of Kendall's Gifts)
29 Gifts Challenge - February 2012 (And blogged everyday of it!) (

Things We Added to The List in 2012
Ooh, I didn't even notice that. We didn't add anything!

Things that Never Happened...Until 2012 Happened

Getting accepted into college!
Actually going to college!
We're, like, alumni now...MORE Tumblr addiction (da feels)
SPO Fun and Awesomeness

NaNoWriMO Vlogs (Click here for the playlist of all our awkward vlogs...)

Nerdfighter-ish Things from 2012
Project 4 Awesome 2012 (Success! Way more legit this year than years prior!)
NaNoWriMo 2012 (Fail for Jen! Again...but NOT REALLY! Success for Kendall (but not really)!)
BEDAs 2012 (Fail for Kendall! The first time ever. Success for Jen! Also the first time ever!)
The Fault in Our Stars

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

2012 Was the Year Of...

The supposed apocalypse
Lots of YOLOing
More sleep then ever had before!
cold.... so. freaking. cold.

This year, we got a total of 21,240 page views out of our total 36,773 page views. And while 98% of those are probably from Jen and myself, it is still pretty freaking awesome.  

Despite the fact that the first three days of the year have been rainy days (it's POURING!), I think this is going to be a year of good (I hope it's going to be a "good year" but I just know that this will be a "year of good"--I can feel it.) I feel apprehensive toward 2013, which is different from other years, but I also feel determined. Things are going to happen guys. I have lots of resolutions. There is the obligatory "Work on becoming healthier" that I actually want to attain but there are also more things, things that I want to change based on what happened this past semester, projects that I want to do, etc. 

2013 doesn't make much sense to me. I mean, for most of our lives, we had been looking forward to 2012. It was the year that we were supposed to graduate. The year we turned 18. The year the world was supposed to end! It was as if a spotlight was lit on 2012 focusing all attention to itself, but once 2012 was gone, our eyes had to adjust to the poorly-lit, sad excuse of a 2013. Like, it doesn't make sense to me that our lives are continuing. I spent so much time thinking about graduating and getting into college, that now I'm in college, it all feels surreal. But by no means does that mean 2013 will be a bad year. Yes, 2012 was freaking awesome, but that just means we have to make 2013 even more awesome. Recently, I've been thinking a lot about the future and how it actually exists and how one day we will be real adults with, you know, normal job/family lives. Like, we will BECOME our parents one day... What? But for now, we are here. I know YOLO is really stupid. It doesn't make grammatical sense, it's super overused, and the song is dumb also, but, for some reason, it has stuck with me. I'm not saying you should go out and do meth because YOLO, but, seriously guys, WE ONLY LIVE ONCE! It all comes back to Jen's ideas about risk taking. Yes, risks should have some kind of positive reward in the end, they should be calculated, but you have to take them. You have to YOLO. We are only going to live 2013 once and I want to make it the best (healthiest, studious, funniest, nosiest) 2013 ever. And hopefully, we'll be able to bring you along for the ride.

As always, thanks for being our friends. Don't forget to be awesome everyone!


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