Sunday, January 20, 2013

I'm Batman

.... hey guys ......

My life is a shame. STUPID iPHONES NOT ACTUALLY REMINDING ME WHEN I SET REMINDERS I HATE LIFE BECAUSE IT IS THE WORST......But really, I wanna die. Thanks Kenny for reminding me 18 MINUTES AFTER THE FACT!!!!!

Anyway, this week was cool, right? Umm, second week of school, fun times and all. On Tuesday there was free hot chocolate in our dorm and it was da bomb. On Thursday, I had an interview for a job on campus, which was fine and all, but it was kind of cray beforehand. I was walking over to the building where it was taking place and then I just pulled on my sleeve because it's balls cold outside. Anyway, I accidentally pulled on my bracelet that Rebecca made for me this summer and it finally broke. Like, guys, it BROKE. .... You guys think I'm weird, but really, like, what?!?!?! I can't.

Yeah, so, this Friday, Rebecca came for the three day weekend. So of course Jaime had to come too. BLEH. She made me watch Peter Pan, The Lucky One, and A Walk To Remember. It was terrible. Feels there. Yeah, there was also a ridiculous amount of noms, fish, cray times, cake jars, and cold. Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm tired and distraught at the fact that I failed once again. 

So yeah, that's my life. In a box. I'll get back to you guys next week. Maybe I'll even talk about something good? Ha ha psych. My life isn't interesting. Seriously, why are you even reading this?

Books Read: 0 
Why This Week Was Awesome: I HAD A MOMENT
Song Stuck in My Head: "Little Things" by One Direction

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