Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Graphing Calculator Guy

Our blog titles would be such a good way to keep track of our lives. Like, all you'd have to do is look at the list of blog titles under a specific year and BOOM. Story of 2012! But no. Our titles rarely have anything to do with what we talk about in the blog text. But I guess that just reflects how random we are? Yeps.

Unfortunately, I am still sick and coughing up gross stuff and hacking my throat and abdominal area to death. *sigh* Such is my life. Another productive (and sickly) week of college-ing, Relay for Life Kick-Offing, and more! It's been another busy week and I feel great (well, save for the need for antibiotics). I wouldn't say that I did not waste any time at all this week because I definitely spent some time doing things beside being in class, working, eating, using the bathroom, and sleeping. 

For example, I watched the Evening of Awesome livestream! Except I watched it hours after the livestream so it wasn't, um, live, anymore. It was amazing. It gave me goosebumps and tears. Good feels!

Thursday night was Kick-Off night! And it was also the night I got the least amount of sleep. I woke up Thursday morning at 6 because we had to tie purple ribbons around trees and line the fountain circle with luminaria bags and set up signs and stuff on campus. Then I was running around all day from class to work then back to class and then work again and then back to the dorms to freshen up and then met with Shayne at Starbucks before heading to the courtyard where we were having the event to set up and then a bunch of event stuff happened after that. I helped serve some delicious food, got asked questions, and listened to some reggae music that I actually kinda enjoyed (blasphemous!). Oh and got accosted by drunk college guys who wanted free food. This is what happens when you have an event next to the campus bar haha, but it was good. It was stressful and a lot of work but it was also crazy fun. And successful! Yay Relay! I can now take a whole week off away from Relay and just catch up with my life and stuff. Except not really because we still have two days of tabling next week for the Student Involvement fair...and meetings with people and emails to write and send and people to call and stuff...

Anyway, that night I got back to the dorms at around 10, bothered Rebecca for an hour, then did homework on the roof until, like, 2, said goodbye to Rebecca and went back to my room, only to go back on the roof to watch WongFu Productions videos until 4:30 in the morning because I couldn't sleep. I had black tea during the event. Venti. 

Last night I watched Pitch Perfect with Daisy at Campus Center. It was hilarious and I wanna watch it again. Also, I saw Steven Yee! That was nice.

My dad is still on his trip, Josh is on the Big Island until Sunday, and Shayne is over at North Shore for the weekend so it's just me and my Mom. But my Mom was out of the house for most of the morning. So just me, really. But it's ok! I am taking the day off. I don't consider blogging as "work" so no worries. I am just gonna watch some movies (I started a Molly Ringwald marathon last night and now I am feeling a Tom Hanks marathon itch coming on...), read a little, have some more ginger tea, make some mochi and pad thai later (I miss cooking and baking a lot), and whatever else I can think of. 

Then I have to do homework. But that's tomorrow. And Monday night is Sherlock + Hot Chocolate Night whoo!

Risks: 38
Books Read Since Graduation: 7 (<< this number is so embarrassing)
Thank You Notes Written: 


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