Sunday, September 30, 2012

There is Salad Dressing In My Fridge

Hey guys!

So yup, first week of college = done!

And not that I expected it to be or anything, but it wasn't that bad. I guess I'll take you through a little walk through of my schedy then, shall we? 

On Mondays, I have math lecture first. It's calc. It's easy. It's fun. Then I have English. I dislike English to begin with, but with this teacher, it's so terrible. He made us watch a documentary about a stupid cave, and then we spent two freaking hours finding secret meanings all over the place. And plus, he uses huge words and incoherent sentences, so I can't even understand what he says. Blegh. Then comes Chem lecture. Huge. Easy. Good. Then, I have Chem lab, which I didn't go to this past week because we didn't have it, but I'm going tomorrow and I get to wear the awesome lab coat.

Tuesday. Math discussion section. Only about 20 people. People are dumb. Easy. The TA is nice. 

Wednesday. Same as Monday, minus chem lab and plus Gen Studies. Silly. 

Thursday. Math discussion. Chem discussion. Bleh. 

Friday. Math and chem lecture. Boom.

Anyways, it hasn't been too bad. Gavin bought a fridge of Craig's List. It doesn't work. He also bought a whole bunch of food with it, so we had to eat it all before it went bad. He made beef stew one night, in his crockpot. Hot dogs another night. And last night we made key lime pie. 

Also, yesterday, Jaime came up to hang out with us. We got lost on the bus, but then managed to get to downtown Seattle and ate at Red Robin (Yum!). We then bussed to her soccer game. It was night. It was freaking cold. Then we came back here, made pie, and slept. Gavin was too lazy to walk home, so he slept under my bed. Just like old times. 

Now it's today. I printed some pictures and put them up on my wall a few minutes ago. That brings us up to date. College is definitely going. I will keep you posted as we go. 

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 43 (Gavin fed me quite a few times this week) 
Why This Week Was Awesome: An awful lot of walking
Song Stuck in My Head: 


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