Sunday, September 23, 2012


Hey guys!

So yup, I'm finally here. I am currently typing this in my dorm room. It's actually really nice. I have a nice desk and bed. It's a fairly decent sized room. My bathroom is HUGE because it's a handicap dorm. This week, my mom, my aunt, and I went shopping for the million and one things that I will "need" over the next year. I can confidently say that I am physically prepared for college (minus the math books that the bookstore is out of...). 

Am I emotionally prepared for college? Well, that's  a little different. This whole past year, the whole senior year thing, applying to colleges, graduating, watching all my friends leave, and then leaving, myself, none of that really felt real up until today. I mean, I was still at school all summer, I was seeing my friends and family all the time. I knew a big change was coming, but it didn't feel like it. I think that today, it all kind of became real when my mom called me this morning to tell me that she was leaving tomorrow morning instead of Wednesday. It all came crashing down on me. My last tie to home and what felt safe and secure was finally leaving. And now, here, I'm on my own. Of course it's exciting and cool. But the part that they tell you about, that you don't really fully grasp is the fear and the insecureness and the doubt. 

I mean, I know that in a few weeks' time, everything will be great. I'll have settled and will finally be able to take a plunge instead of testing the waters. But until then, I'm stuck in the awkward and uncomfortable, yet necessary phase. And I can't wait to get out of it. 

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 41 (Corndogs W00T!!!)
Why This Week Was Awesome: Bittersweet new times
Song Stuck in My Head: 


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