Sunday, September 16, 2012


Hey guys!

This week was exactly what the title says it was: AWESOME! 

It started out with some crazy random fun times at work, as always. It was super fun and chill and nice to have as a part of my last week here. Then, Jen and I met with Barnesie to do this cool project. (More on that later).

There was a lot of card making and free food eating this week, which is always awesome. One of the coolest parts of this week was the Open House on Thursday. I spoke in front of both the Leadership Class parents and it went really well!!! First of all, I got to dress classy, which is always fun. Then, doing the actual talking was sups fun/easy! I thought I did a really good job and the whole night was just a sups fun time. 

Then yesterday, Jen, Barnesie, and I did something awesome. I don't want to say what it's called in case people tried to look it up, but basically we just did some positive pranking. We made these cool care packages with reusable bags, toilet paper, batteries, a CD, flowers, and a note, and left it on people's doorsteps. We rang the doorbell, then ran away!!! It was exhilarating, amazing, and awesome. 

Everything that I have done in the past few weeks has been awesome. It really has been an amazing ending to this awesome summer. I feel like I've had some sort of closure or finality with all the people  and things in my life that I'm going to leave for the next few months, and that just made leaving so much easier. I'm excited and ready to go. Let's do this. 

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 40!!!
Why This Week Was Awesome: Finality
Song Stuck in My Head: 


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