Sunday, September 30, 2012

Please Just Let Me Be a Teenage Girl

First of all, I must warn you that this will be short. Or it could be really emotional. I was hoping to discuss something important and hopefully thought-provoking here today but seeing as the entire world said goodbye to the Ponds yesterday and my feelings are all over the place as a result, I can't.

I kept putting off blogging the entire night because I have to talk about my feels but I don't wanna talk about them because I just want to ignore them altogether. But it's almost 11pm and Daisy's already asleep and I don't wanna miss a day so here goes.

Just a quick update. The hustle and bustle has died down a bit. This week wasn't bad. I had a couple of meetings. I had a quiz in American Studies 150 on Friday. I took my mom to Eat the Street on Friday. The theme was Cheese and Sausage. This weekend, I took a practice LSAT ice cold--no studying, no reading about the general format of the test, nothing. I went phone banking. Then I had some free frozen yogurt at Menchie's. I watched Doctor Who and Alphas. I studied for my econ midterm today. I also got a new phone.

I can't really function. I'm depressed and I want to curl up in a ball and cry because the Ponds are lost. They are forever lost. They will never come back for a Christmas special. They won't ever be guest stars in future episodes celebrating a special year in the Doctor Who fandom. They can't even come back when they're older like Sarah Jane Smith did! They're just. Gone. And I'm still crying. I've been making gross sobbing sounds and internally screaming and making ugly whale noises, trying to cope with my feels. I can't. I just can't anymore and I don't wanna talk about it because I just wanna be a teenage girl and cope by wrapping myself up in a warm blanket, writing about my feelings in an angsty and mysterious way, staying up on Tumblr and eating Jack Daniels-flavored ice cream until 3am in the morning. But I can't because I have class in the morning and I haven't done my readings for tomorrow and there isn't any ice cream here let alone one with whiskey in it.

And I miss Aid. (Win and Kirs: I miss you guys a lot too. Terribly!) But I really miss Aid.

Risks: 31 (a cafeteria risk courtesy of Daisy!)
Hugs: 2
Current food obsessions/cravings: water, oatmeal
Playlists on Repeat: 
Books Read Since Graduation: 

There is Salad Dressing In My Fridge

Hey guys!

So yup, first week of college = done!

And not that I expected it to be or anything, but it wasn't that bad. I guess I'll take you through a little walk through of my schedy then, shall we? 

On Mondays, I have math lecture first. It's calc. It's easy. It's fun. Then I have English. I dislike English to begin with, but with this teacher, it's so terrible. He made us watch a documentary about a stupid cave, and then we spent two freaking hours finding secret meanings all over the place. And plus, he uses huge words and incoherent sentences, so I can't even understand what he says. Blegh. Then comes Chem lecture. Huge. Easy. Good. Then, I have Chem lab, which I didn't go to this past week because we didn't have it, but I'm going tomorrow and I get to wear the awesome lab coat.

Tuesday. Math discussion section. Only about 20 people. People are dumb. Easy. The TA is nice. 

Wednesday. Same as Monday, minus chem lab and plus Gen Studies. Silly. 

Thursday. Math discussion. Chem discussion. Bleh. 

Friday. Math and chem lecture. Boom.

Anyways, it hasn't been too bad. Gavin bought a fridge of Craig's List. It doesn't work. He also bought a whole bunch of food with it, so we had to eat it all before it went bad. He made beef stew one night, in his crockpot. Hot dogs another night. And last night we made key lime pie. 

Also, yesterday, Jaime came up to hang out with us. We got lost on the bus, but then managed to get to downtown Seattle and ate at Red Robin (Yum!). We then bussed to her soccer game. It was night. It was freaking cold. Then we came back here, made pie, and slept. Gavin was too lazy to walk home, so he slept under my bed. Just like old times. 

Now it's today. I printed some pictures and put them up on my wall a few minutes ago. That brings us up to date. College is definitely going. I will keep you posted as we go. 

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 43 (Gavin fed me quite a few times this week) 
Why This Week Was Awesome: An awful lot of walking
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Hey guys!

So yup, I'm finally here. I am currently typing this in my dorm room. It's actually really nice. I have a nice desk and bed. It's a fairly decent sized room. My bathroom is HUGE because it's a handicap dorm. This week, my mom, my aunt, and I went shopping for the million and one things that I will "need" over the next year. I can confidently say that I am physically prepared for college (minus the math books that the bookstore is out of...). 

Am I emotionally prepared for college? Well, that's  a little different. This whole past year, the whole senior year thing, applying to colleges, graduating, watching all my friends leave, and then leaving, myself, none of that really felt real up until today. I mean, I was still at school all summer, I was seeing my friends and family all the time. I knew a big change was coming, but it didn't feel like it. I think that today, it all kind of became real when my mom called me this morning to tell me that she was leaving tomorrow morning instead of Wednesday. It all came crashing down on me. My last tie to home and what felt safe and secure was finally leaving. And now, here, I'm on my own. Of course it's exciting and cool. But the part that they tell you about, that you don't really fully grasp is the fear and the insecureness and the doubt. 

I mean, I know that in a few weeks' time, everything will be great. I'll have settled and will finally be able to take a plunge instead of testing the waters. But until then, I'm stuck in the awkward and uncomfortable, yet necessary phase. And I can't wait to get out of it. 

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 41 (Corndogs W00T!!!)
Why This Week Was Awesome: Bittersweet new times
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Friday, September 21, 2012

How to Make the Most of Your Placenta

No, I will not discuss the versatility of the placenta in this post because 1) eating one's placenta, I think we can all agree, is quite revolting (no offense to anyone out there who believes otherwise), 2) Anyssa, Anyssa's mom, Rebecca, Maria, and I have already touched upon a couple of aspects of the subject after Tuesday night's dinner, and 3) that particular conversation was disgusting.

When I got back to my room after our meal, I was tempted to Google the supposed benefits of eating one's placenta after childbirth. But I quickly dismissed the urge as I knew that pictures of fetuses were bound to show up multiple times. No, thanks, I'd rather not go there. So, instead, I got to working on starting my American Studies complete silence. 

Silence reigns after dinner in our dorm domain simply because my roommate, Daisy, is an extremely diligent student. We both like to work in peace and so we have unconsciously both agreed that talking should be at a minimal during homework time every night. And she definitely follows that rule. We make a couple of remarks here and there, now and then, throughout the night, but they're not conversations. Mostly, we work. And we do it quietly. I'm actually very thankful for this because it means that I can focus. I admit I do wander off to Facebook and Tumblr once in a while, and my Pandora tab always accompanies the Google research tabs, but I definitely get a lot more of my homework done when I'm studying in the dorm rooms with Daisy than if I were somewhere else.

From the beginning, I pegged Daisy as the extremely quiet and shy type--with which, most of you probably already know, I don't quite mesh well. I mean, look at how much I hated little kid Kendall when we were wee freshmen. Anyway, during the first several weeks of living together in the same area during which we danced around each other's personal space and personalities, I have learned several things: 1) She is the quiet and shy type and 2) She isn't exactly the extremely quiet and shy type.

Daisy indeed does not talk much. I don't thinks she is the type to take risks easily or go out on a limb to say hi to a stranger. But she smiles easily. I tease her a lot (I try not to go overboard) and she is always a good sport. She is also a bit gullible. I once jokingly told her that I made a poster that said, "Daisy Green is the newest member of the varsity tennis team!" and hung it at Campus Center. If you had seen the way her eyes widened in horror, you would have laughed just as loudly as I did. My sarcasm often catches her off-guard but I think she is getting used to it. Daisy is extremely humble, shying away from direct praise by nature but not obnoxiously oblivious to the fact that she is awesome. She downplays her achievements a lot and seems to prefer the sidelines despite the fact that she deserves far more credit than she allows herself to claim. Daisy is a heavy sleeper. Last night, I finished my American Studies paper at around 11pm, I think, but I could not sleep. So I started doing chores until 1:30am--I cleaned out the refrigerator, washed some dishes, swept the floor, cleaned my desk area, straightened up my side of the room, etc. I definitely dropped and slammed a couple of things by accident but not once did she stir in her deep sleep. Daisy is smart. She is a math-science person (so, not my area) and her talent and interest in both definitely show. Judging by her things, her favorite color is blue. She seems to be a person of routine, very punctual, waking up early when she must. She is neat and always keeps her things in order and her bed made. Daisy does not open up a lot. But the first time she did, we ended up talking about tennis, Japanese, high school, family, Hawaii and so much more for almost two hours. 

If it's not already obvious, I'm enjoying getting to know Daisy and slowly becoming better friends with her. And I think this is the same with everyone else I have met so far. Right before school started, I suddenly realized at the New Student Orientation that I had completely forgotten what it was like to be in a place where I didn't know everyone and to be in a situation where I had to make friends. How in the world did I make friends in high school? I don't even remember. So, I silently freaked out about making friends in college. Though I love the fact that I am still close to Rebecca, Anyssa, LJ, Daniel, and Shannon, and that we're continuing the Mafia beyond 'Iolani, there's a certain excitement in making new friends. The sheer novelty of the experience is something that I have forgotten.

As I mentioned earlier, I danced around Daisy's routines, moods, habits, and personality much like I did around everything during the first several weeks of college. I merely tiptoed about, testing the waters of this new lifestyle, people's personalities, and my teachers' methods. But lately, I've noticed that I've become more comfortable. I no longer feel intimated by older students who contribute more often in class discussions. I can actually throw in my own opinions, thoughts and interpretations of the text into the mix. I'm starting to walk around campus the same way that I used to walk in 'Iolani: Head held high, I know where I'm going, how I'm getting there, and how long it takes to get there. And I wave and say hi to friends and familiar people I know along the way. I've gotten more comfortable around the dorms, saying hi to strangers in the elevators, the kitchen, the roof, the lounges, the area by the mailboxes, and having spontaneous conversations with them. I've started to slouch (kinda) in my class seats, more comfortable, no more fidgeting. I can't say I've fully adjusted just yet, but I'm definitely closer than where I used to be.

I'd say that some of it had to do with Hamilton library. Desperately in need of someplace quiet with absolutely no distractions so that I can read and study for my Linguistics tests, I turned to one of the libraries on campus. I spent some time roaming the second floor during my first visit. I found the bathrooms, located the water fountains, used at least three of the computers in the lab. I usually read my textbook in one of the upstairs study ares so I have yet to explore the other parts of the building. Since that first time, I've been visiting whenever I can over the past week or so, reading and studying within the semi-confines of the carrels, in preparation for tests and nights of paper-writing. Once I feel comfortable in an unknown library, in the company of books, I guess it only takes a second after that to feel comfortable in a new school and, subsequently, a new life.

It's ironic because I didn't really think much of Hamilton (neither did I of Sinclair Library for that matter). The shelves are dreary. The books on the shelves look just as, if not more, dreary. But I ended up loving its temperature, convenient location, and quietness--the kind of silence that fosters focus, not boredom. In the same way that I judged Hamilton for its books, I judged the people around me more often than usual by their looks. But it took realizing that Hamilton is actually a wonderful resource once you get past the heavyset tomes of knowledge on its dusty shelves to understand that people can be really friendly, nice, and interesting despite their purple hair, impressive suit, loud voice, short (or not short) stature, imposing glasses of nerdiness, etc.

We all judge people by the way they look. "Never judge a book by its cover" is unwarranted. It urges us to defy our innate instincts, the very basic human nature we all possess. You can and you always will judge people by their physical characteristics. Your brain is hardwired to do it. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Allowing your judgments to determine your action, however, is the no-no. I judge books by their covers all the time. But I never let a crappy book jacket stop me from reading a story that catches my attention, nor do I let it fool me into buying a hardcopy right away either. Guys, it's all about the blurb.

I judged Daisy to be painfully shy when I first met her. But I did not let that stop me from trying to get to know her better. Again, it's all about the blurb--the cautious dancing around each other during the first several weeks.

If anyone says they never judge anyone by their looks from the get-go, they're not being very truthful. I mean, I'd sooner eat my placenta than believe them. Again, just don't let what you see determine what you do.

Lesson learned pals!

Risks: 30
Hugs: 4
Current food obsessions/cravings: water
Playlists on Repeat: Awkwardly Celebratory for No Good Reason + Um, I'm Embarrassed to Say
Books Read Since Graduation: 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

100 Days Until Christmas!

It really is guys! 100 more days until Christmas Day! WHOOOOO! #soreadyforthis (It took me about ten seconds to figure out where the hash tag was on my keyboard...I'm losing it.)

I could feel the awesome coming through Kendall's post today. I'm glad that he's reached a sort of finality that will make his leaving for college way easier. Send him good vibes on Wednesday as he flies over to the mainland!

This week was indeed awesome for me, too. 

Awesome CPK dinner slash bstorm sesh, clever letter making, breakfast rhyming, Hamiltoning it up, discussion leading, health game-facing, Positive Pranking!, Sherlocking, RAPS Smart Assing at the beach, more Sherlocking....AHHHHHH SUCH A GREAT WEEK!

I feel the energy, I feel the drive, I feel the awesomeness outside AND inside. And this coming week seems like it's going to be good too, despite the fact that this is going to be a stressful week. Oh yes it is--it's the FIFTH week of school, which means: possible midterms, more craziness, and the end of Linguistics Gate 1. Hold on to your seat, Jen, this is going to be good either way, as in BOOM kind of good. I'm aiming for fireworks but I could be headed toward a minefield, guys, so wish me luck. 

But luck is not what you need, as I've learned many times before. What you need is focus and hard work. Also, discipline. Which is why I'm saying goodbye for now and returning to my macro homework. See? Discipline!

Oh and, of course, it's the 21st of September this Friday. I'm defs feeling it guys.

Bye all and see you later!

Risks: 30 (Drive by ding-dong ditching man.)
Hugs: 3 (all from Josh)
Current food obsessions/cravings: water
Playlists on Repeat: Yellowcard
Books Read Since Graduation: 


Hey guys!

This week was exactly what the title says it was: AWESOME! 

It started out with some crazy random fun times at work, as always. It was super fun and chill and nice to have as a part of my last week here. Then, Jen and I met with Barnesie to do this cool project. (More on that later).

There was a lot of card making and free food eating this week, which is always awesome. One of the coolest parts of this week was the Open House on Thursday. I spoke in front of both the Leadership Class parents and it went really well!!! First of all, I got to dress classy, which is always fun. Then, doing the actual talking was sups fun/easy! I thought I did a really good job and the whole night was just a sups fun time. 

Then yesterday, Jen, Barnesie, and I did something awesome. I don't want to say what it's called in case people tried to look it up, but basically we just did some positive pranking. We made these cool care packages with reusable bags, toilet paper, batteries, a CD, flowers, and a note, and left it on people's doorsteps. We rang the doorbell, then ran away!!! It was exhilarating, amazing, and awesome. 

Everything that I have done in the past few weeks has been awesome. It really has been an amazing ending to this awesome summer. I feel like I've had some sort of closure or finality with all the people  and things in my life that I'm going to leave for the next few months, and that just made leaving so much easier. I'm excited and ready to go. Let's do this. 

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 40!!!
Why This Week Was Awesome: Finality
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I Love It When He Walks Right Through Me

OH BLOGGING HOW I'VE MISSED YOU. All y'all come on down and better give mama a kiss now!

Kidding. Don't. Please. (Stahhpp eaattt Jen y u so embarrassing?)

Okay, I don't even remember the crisis that ate up so much time from the last day of MOST SUCCESSFUL BEDA YEAR EVER (WOOOO! I'm still celebrating, it's a Touchdown Celebration Record, not even joking...) so I'm sorry that I cannot explain it.

I do, however, have some other explaining to do here just because I'm still trying to process it myself and I need some form of safe and un-obnoxious medium (example of an obnoxious medium: Facebook statuses) in which I can let everything out. All right, here we go:

I backed out of tryouts for the debate team. Yep.

Earlier this week, I was bugging myself (along with a couple of extremely patient others who were willing to deal with my uncertainty and whining), "SHOULD I DO IT?!?!" Then Toks emailed me on Wednesday saying that tryouts were tomorrow (as in this past Thursday) and Monday (tomorrow). I think it was the urgency of that email that kinda made me step on the gas a little earlier than I really intended. See, after reading the word "tomorrow," I got all revved up and I was like, "YEAH BAH, let's do this!" without really knowing into what I was getting. Anyway, I didn't get a reply immediately so since Thursday, I've been thinking about it and thinking about it and thinking about it. In addition, I was also budgeting my weekend between the Friday volleyball game, THREE PAPERS!, YOLO Saturday, and canvassing today. All day err day (ew, Jen, no), I was thinking about it and thinking about it and thinking about. So that's a lot in a teenage girl's mind.

Then I get three emails earlier all within twenty minutes of each other from the team captain, the director, and Toks. Yikes. Too much fore me. So I backed out of the tryouts, except not really, because I wasn't even scheduled tomorrow. Apparently, all the dealios were happening in the Society's Facebook group (which took me a while to find, to be quite honest). That's my first reason. Fear. There, I said it. Judge me all you want, guys, but at least I'm admitting that yes, I'm scared, and this is one hell of a risk for me that I don't think I was ready to take just yet. Maybe later, I'm just gonna hang out at the top for a while and breathe it out.

Then, reason number two: I'm still adjusting to this college thing. I still don't think of myself as a college student, mostly because I'm a freshman (again) and I have no idea what's really going on yet. I mean, I was cruising for the first three weeks because all the homework I had was just reading. Then BAM. All the teachers want essays after the third week. So I did them. They weren't hard to write (well, one of them was...), but it was just the act of having to sit down and crank them out that got me all "GAH 'IOLANI STRESS ALL OVER AGAIN." But now that they're all safely in the inboxes of my professors, I can relax. And also get to more reading for tomorrow's classes. So, whew.

And finally reason number three: I don't want this experience to be another Imua experience for me. I had always wanted to write, even wanted to be a journalist, pre-'Iolani. Then I joined Imua. And it was not what I expected. It was great and all but it just didn't feel like I fit. I loved working with so many great and smart people but I felt like neither I nor the newspaper was really benefitting from having me as a member of the staff, whether it be as a writer or an editor. (So why am I considering Ka Leo here at UH? A topic for another day!) I love speaking and thinking critically, that's why I love speech and debate (though this is strictly just debate...ugh). But what if taking the risk too soon ruins it for me? I don't want to lose something I care about so much, you know, especially if going too fast causes that? 

And the last (but most "fixable"' reason): I don't know Parliamentary Debate. Must start learning it very soon.

Anyway, I am still planning on going to the tryouts tomorrow though for a little bit just to check things out and see what's up with the program. If I'm gonna dive in, I wanna get my feet wet first.

That felt good, talking about it. Whew.

Okay, thanks for listening in. I was actually planning on blogging about something totally different that happened today but I think I'll let you know about that after this week.

Tootles all the poodles guys.

Risks: 29! (Four in the past couple of weeks actually, I didn't realize three of them were risks so I didn't put them down...but they're here now!) 
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: ALLTHESOUPS!
Playlists on Repeat: I HAVE ALEX DAY'S GHOST GIRL SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD AND IT'S SO GOOD...also I was singing in the shower earlier tonight. Why don't people do it more often here in the dorms? The acoustics are pretty good in there.....
Books Read Since Graduation: 6 (sad unchanging number)

Library Card?

Hey guys!

How's it been, post BEDA and all? Good? That's good... I spent this week doing a whole lot of nothing. I mean, I was working and all, but like, I wasn't really "working." Like, I spent one day writing letters, one day making cards, and one day learning about Computer Science. It was pretty fun though!

Still about a week and a half before I leave... Gah!!!!!

Something to look forward to for this upcoming week, dinner with Barnesie, CLASSY DRESSING UP!!!, and more of nothing. Good times are ahead, my friend. Good times.

Oh, and I may or may not have been spending most of my time watching How I Met Your Mother.......bai.

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 36
Why This Week Was Awesome: Just chilling all week
Song Stuck in My Head: