Friday, July 27, 2012

Those Crazy Gators

No internet this weekend (going home-home) so I'm posting early! Don't know what time I'll be back in town on Sunday. This will be a short one because I'm currently at work.

I'm excited because I'm going to Eat the Street again tonight. The theme is SPICY. Yes. I feel like all I've been doing is eateateat all this week: Kyoto Ramen, Snow Factory, Yogur Story, (freaking) Japengo. And now spicy-themed foods at Kaka'ako. Well, just like I've recently started saying a lot: "Bring on the noms yo."

I didn't realize this until Kendall reminded me about it earlier this week: BEDA(ugust) 2012 starts on Wednesday! After my first ever successful BEDAing earlier in April, I am definitely going to strive to make 2012 the year that I completed legit BEDA for both April and August. Let's do this guys. You know what this means? It means I will be talking about pre-college and the first weeks of college. A lot. So be ready because I honestly don't know how I wil sound/feel during these posts. Nervous? Scared? Excited? Terrified beyond belief? Maybe all of them? (ALL THE FEELS!) Yeah. Be ready guys. 

As for Kendall, well, he'll be on two (TWO!) trips for the next two (TWO!) weeks and I don't think he'll have his laptop at all (AT ALL!). He'll be blogging through his phone so if his posts seem all messed up and funky, never fear--I will be formatting his posts all pretty like as soon as he posts them all throughout the next two weeks. That is, IF he even remembers. COME ON KENDALL YOU CAN DO THIS. (Kendall: "No worries, I got this...")

What else can I talk about? Oh, I haven't been reading at all. I've been reading Franny and Zooey for maybe two weeks now and that's just not cool. The not reading part, not the book.

OH! OLYMPICS ARE STARTING (Doctor Who episode with the Olympics is free on iTunes, by the way, in case any of you didn't already know...)! So yeah.

Okay, back to work guys..........................................

Risks: 24 
Hugs: 1
Current food cravings/obsessions: KIM CHEE
Playlist(s) on repeat: It's Cold
Books Read Since Graduation: (still) 4 


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