Saturday, July 21, 2012

No Tara for Me

Hola y'all! I feel great. I came home for Jump Start extremely tired so I immediately unpacked, grabbed a small bite for lunch, and then just crashed for two and a half hours after that. Then I woke up and I've just been hanging out ever since. Well, I've been watching TV and I've been on Tumblr. Also, I've been typing! So you can't say I haven't been productive at all because that John Wooden article is going to be officially completed TONIGHT! Yay multitasking!

Yes, I just came back from Jump Start at UH and it was fun. It was good to meet fellow Regents scholars and get to know, you know, the people I will kinda be living with next school year. Although most of us were really shy and there were unavoidable moments of awkward silence, and even if we all came from different schools and are interested in a variety of things, I could feel that I was among people who were generally like me in regards to our aspirations and the degree of diligence we have toward achieving our goals. It felt a bit like the moment I realized that 'Iolani was the right place to be back when I was a freshman. 

But, in the words of Kendall the Wise, "[we] are still puzzle pieces, but it's before the sun has come up, so [we] are all trying to fit together, but [we] can't see [each other or the big picture] yet, so [we] can't do it...YET!" Oh Kendall. 

Anyway, the whole two days were very informational. I feel better about registration now save for the typical "What if I don't get the classes that I want?" jitters so I have to get on those back-up plans for when my  dream "NO AFTERNOON CLASSES" schedule doesn't come through. 

I also genuinely appreciated and admired all of the older scholars for getting me excited not only about going to college in general but also going to UH specifically.  Ever since I made the decision to go to UH, I've been getting so much...masked pity...from a lot of people: friends, teachers, etc. And I know people don't mean to give off that vibe but that's the reality of it. Even the UH representatives who came to 'Iolani for college presentations and information for incoming freshmen had an "I'm  sorry you're going to UH, get ready for four years of major suckage" attitude so it was definitely hard to feel excited! I've always felt really grateful but I've been struggling on the "getting excited" part because of outside interference.

Anyway, the older scholars at Jump Start were totally different. They were all excited to share with us tips and tricks, funny dorm stories, and advice on classes, professors, majors, decisions, saving money, and other college life concerns that we had. Hearing how much fun they had their first year and the opportunities that they took advantage of was very helpful. I couldn't help but feel upbeat about going to UH this August. Sups excited! And apprehensive, of course, but that's half the fun, right?

Risks: 24 (walked into a police station and asked if they could take a picture with our group for our nighttime scavenger hunt at turned down...sadness...)
Current food cravings/obsessions: Well, I'm eating a a slice of red velvet cake and drinking a glass of milk. I am quite content, my friends.
Playlist(s) on repeat: 
Books Read Since Graduation: 4 (I have to get back to working on this again...)


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