Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dumbledore Loved Almonds!

Hey guiyz.

Not gonna lie, I just spent the last hour and a half watching Daily Grace videos. WHY IS SHE SO FREAKING AMAZING?!?!?

Anyway, in Kendall's favorite things of the week section, I am so utterly and amazingly obsessed with this web series VGHS. Which stands for "Video Game High School." It was made by Freddie W. and gang on YouTube and it's just so good. I mean, one reason I like it is because I am into video games and I get a lot of the references in it, but I think that even if you don't like video games at all, you can still enjoy this series because there is so much more to it. It's so well made and high quality. And I freaking love the characters and the actors and sets and plot and the love and everything!!!!!!!

Bottom line: WATCH VGHS! 

Also, in Nerdy Kendall news, I ordered two new RAM chips last weekend and they came in yesterday and I'm so freaking excited about them. I originally had 2 GB on my computer, but now I have 8. Win? WIN. 

Okay, I am off to bed. Have a nice week!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 21
Why This Week Was Awesome: Sleep
Song Stuck in My Head: ?


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