Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Life With No Regrets

I was literarily in my bed, ready to sleep, when I bolted up and realized that I still had to blog. Good thing I remembered....

So this week was a good time. On Friday, the gang and I went to Eat the Street: Garlic Fest. It was kind of awesome. I was on the news. Twice. After that, we saw Brave. Honestly, I did like it, I thought that it was good, except, it wasn't a Pixar movie at all. It was a good movie movie. A crap Pixar movie though. 

After that, on Saturday, I hung out with an old friend, and that was cool. I also bought some more RAM, which is pretty freaking exciting if you ask me. 

Today, I bought a new (and only) aloha shirt, then I went to a grad party: there was delicious food, fun plado, amazing soap, and lots of love. Then, I went to a funeral. The first REAL funeral that I have been to. It was for the wrestling head coach. There were a LOT of people there. The wrestling team had a short portion of the program and it was really nice. I felt good about the whole thing. After that, there was another grad party, with more good noms, and a very fun and chill atmosphere. 

Overall: good week. I'm tired. But I have been tired since January, so nothing has changed... 

Okay, sleep time. 

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 19
Why This Week Was Awesome: GARLIC
Song Stuck in My Head: "Some Nights" by Fun


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