Sunday, July 29, 2012

Guys, I got this!

Hey guys! After an incredibly fail week last week, I am here and in the rules! Blogging for this BEDA will be kinda tough, but I'm sure I can do it? Hopefully.....

Anyways, as we speak, I am watching Monsters Inc. on TV right now, and Sully just left Boo in her room and there are so many feels in my soul. This, like most Pixar movies, has so many feels. That's partially why I'm not very excited for Monster University because how can there be feels without any Boo in it?!?!?

Also, this week I finally did get a lot of things done. I cleaned my room, finally, after wanting to do it for the past six months. I leave in two days for Seattle and I still have a lot of other stuff that I need to do, but, we'll see what happens. 

Ha ha ha ha the little kid who is just as unamused as the Queen........


Okay, whale, that was enough for this week........ Until next time?...... 

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 26
Why This Week Was Awesome: Productivity
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Those Crazy Gators

No internet this weekend (going home-home) so I'm posting early! Don't know what time I'll be back in town on Sunday. This will be a short one because I'm currently at work.

I'm excited because I'm going to Eat the Street again tonight. The theme is SPICY. Yes. I feel like all I've been doing is eateateat all this week: Kyoto Ramen, Snow Factory, Yogur Story, (freaking) Japengo. And now spicy-themed foods at Kaka'ako. Well, just like I've recently started saying a lot: "Bring on the noms yo."

I didn't realize this until Kendall reminded me about it earlier this week: BEDA(ugust) 2012 starts on Wednesday! After my first ever successful BEDAing earlier in April, I am definitely going to strive to make 2012 the year that I completed legit BEDA for both April and August. Let's do this guys. You know what this means? It means I will be talking about pre-college and the first weeks of college. A lot. So be ready because I honestly don't know how I wil sound/feel during these posts. Nervous? Scared? Excited? Terrified beyond belief? Maybe all of them? (ALL THE FEELS!) Yeah. Be ready guys. 

As for Kendall, well, he'll be on two (TWO!) trips for the next two (TWO!) weeks and I don't think he'll have his laptop at all (AT ALL!). He'll be blogging through his phone so if his posts seem all messed up and funky, never fear--I will be formatting his posts all pretty like as soon as he posts them all throughout the next two weeks. That is, IF he even remembers. COME ON KENDALL YOU CAN DO THIS. (Kendall: "No worries, I got this...")

What else can I talk about? Oh, I haven't been reading at all. I've been reading Franny and Zooey for maybe two weeks now and that's just not cool. The not reading part, not the book.

OH! OLYMPICS ARE STARTING (Doctor Who episode with the Olympics is free on iTunes, by the way, in case any of you didn't already know...)! So yeah.

Okay, back to work guys..........................................

Risks: 24 
Hugs: 1
Current food cravings/obsessions: KIM CHEE
Playlist(s) on repeat: It's Cold
Books Read Since Graduation: (still) 4 

Monday, July 23, 2012


I am a shame to the world of scheduled blogging.......

God, I can't believe I forgot to blog last night. I thought about it and everything but nope! ....

Anyway, this week was actually pretty fun! It was the last week of summer school, so it was a tad hectic, but that's alright. On Thursday, there was Anyssa's grad party. It was at a club, therefore, there was dancing. Lots of it. Oh, and I think I failed to mention this to Jen, but Anyssa had like a little quiz thing with different categories for all of us. It was kind of like a hoss election. The categories were like crazy personality and person who always forget their lunch money, and stuff like that. Guess what I got?...... I was so mad. 

Most likely to star in Magic Mike Part 2...........

I don't want to talk about it!!!!!!! (I promise, there is actually no reason behind me getting that award. DESPITE CERTAIN PORN STAR LIKE SHIRTS, I AM NOT A STRIPPER!!!)

Then, on Saturday, we actually went to a Bon dance. It was the first time I went to one and it was really really weird. It was fun though! There was this one dance that we did for literally like 30 minutes and it was the last song, therefore, it is the only song that I remember how to do. I got pretty good at it after a while too. 

Then there was Tiare's grad party, which included failed attempts to reach the roof of a building. That was actually pretty YOLO for me. We even tried to sneak into a service elevator.

Lastly, I watched the extended version of Two Towers, which was like 3 and a half hours long. As a result, I am in love with Smeagol.....

Okay, time for shame ridden sleep. BAI!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 24
Why This Week Was Awesome: Dancing
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

No Tara for Me

Hola y'all! I feel great. I came home for Jump Start extremely tired so I immediately unpacked, grabbed a small bite for lunch, and then just crashed for two and a half hours after that. Then I woke up and I've just been hanging out ever since. Well, I've been watching TV and I've been on Tumblr. Also, I've been typing! So you can't say I haven't been productive at all because that John Wooden article is going to be officially completed TONIGHT! Yay multitasking!

Yes, I just came back from Jump Start at UH and it was fun. It was good to meet fellow Regents scholars and get to know, you know, the people I will kinda be living with next school year. Although most of us were really shy and there were unavoidable moments of awkward silence, and even if we all came from different schools and are interested in a variety of things, I could feel that I was among people who were generally like me in regards to our aspirations and the degree of diligence we have toward achieving our goals. It felt a bit like the moment I realized that 'Iolani was the right place to be back when I was a freshman. 

But, in the words of Kendall the Wise, "[we] are still puzzle pieces, but it's before the sun has come up, so [we] are all trying to fit together, but [we] can't see [each other or the big picture] yet, so [we] can't do it...YET!" Oh Kendall. 

Anyway, the whole two days were very informational. I feel better about registration now save for the typical "What if I don't get the classes that I want?" jitters so I have to get on those back-up plans for when my  dream "NO AFTERNOON CLASSES" schedule doesn't come through. 

I also genuinely appreciated and admired all of the older scholars for getting me excited not only about going to college in general but also going to UH specifically.  Ever since I made the decision to go to UH, I've been getting so much...masked pity...from a lot of people: friends, teachers, etc. And I know people don't mean to give off that vibe but that's the reality of it. Even the UH representatives who came to 'Iolani for college presentations and information for incoming freshmen had an "I'm  sorry you're going to UH, get ready for four years of major suckage" attitude so it was definitely hard to feel excited! I've always felt really grateful but I've been struggling on the "getting excited" part because of outside interference.

Anyway, the older scholars at Jump Start were totally different. They were all excited to share with us tips and tricks, funny dorm stories, and advice on classes, professors, majors, decisions, saving money, and other college life concerns that we had. Hearing how much fun they had their first year and the opportunities that they took advantage of was very helpful. I couldn't help but feel upbeat about going to UH this August. Sups excited! And apprehensive, of course, but that's half the fun, right?

Risks: 24 (walked into a police station and asked if they could take a picture with our group for our nighttime scavenger hunt at turned down...sadness...)
Current food cravings/obsessions: Well, I'm eating a a slice of red velvet cake and drinking a glass of milk. I am quite content, my friends.
Playlist(s) on repeat: 
Books Read Since Graduation: 4 (I have to get back to working on this again...)

Sunday, July 15, 2012


I can't blog about anything substantial today because I just watched two "sad" movies and I'm too sad to function. Crushing sadness I need me some Catherine Tate. Maybe that'll do the trick. Yay for Lauren Cooper!

Well, I can't even type in the first place because my right arm and wrist are hurting so badly. Carpal tunnel? Carpal tunnel of love! Yeah, not really. But, yeah, Lefty is flying solo right now and he's not used to it because Righty is always the dominant one but now that Righty needs some rest, Lefty has no choice but to pick up the slack.

Okay, sorry, bye guys!

Risks: 23 
Current food cravings/obsessions: 
Playlist(s) on repeat: HE = WE
Books Read Since Graduation: 4

Chocolate. Always Your Valentine.


Hi! This week, not many new or exciting things have been happening. I've just been trying to get everything under control and ready for the rest of the summer. It still feels like things haven't slowed down since the end of school, but that's alright. I mean, that period, for me, between early May and practically mid-late June, was probably the busiest/most stressful point in my life. There was just so much going on and I just wanted to sleep through all of it. 

Now that more time has past and things have settled a little, I find comfort in knowing that things will be slow again once I start school up, even though that's gonna be completely crazy and terrifying, but hey, one thing at a time. 

Okay, I'm tired and I want to read and play video games and watch movies and eat food and sleep. So, we'll see what happens. 

Bai guiz!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 22
Why This Week Was Awesome:
Song Stuck in My Head: "Fine by Me" by Andy Grammer

Monday, July 9, 2012

The State of My Hair (Recreated)

I just deleted my post yesterday accidentally. But I will have you know that I DID post for last week. Ahhh, I'm so bummed now. Time to recreate it! Go!


Last night, at LJ's grad party, I was reminded of general hair issues multiple times:
1) LJ curled her hair and I thought she looked beautiful.
2) Rebecca had just cut her hair.
3) Kendall asked when I'm gonna cut my hair.
4) John touched my hair.
5) Tiare told me, quite forcefully, not to shave my head.

So I went home thinking about my hair. I woke up thinking about my hair. And when I went to church, this Asian girl sat in the pew right in front of me so I stared at her hair the whole time and I was also thinking about my hair. 

WELLIGUESSALLICANSAYNOWISYOLO. The thing with hair is that there's no going back, at least for a while. So yeah. YOLO? YOLO. After all that, I now have a headache and I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that I'm dehydrated. It's probably all the chemicals.

Anyway, that's about it for now. This week was pretty much work and summery stuff. Oh! WE WENT TO PURIKURA! I can now see why Win is so addicted to it. It was crazy fun, not gonna lie. I haven't been reading a lot. I should. It's been a week since my last book. MUST READ!

Risks: 23 (the hair thing totally counts)
Hugs: 6
Current food cravings/obsessions: water, RAMEN!
Playlist(s) on repeat: Like an N, But Not Really
Books Read Since Graduation: 4

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dumbledore Loved Almonds!

Hey guiyz.

Not gonna lie, I just spent the last hour and a half watching Daily Grace videos. WHY IS SHE SO FREAKING AMAZING?!?!?

Anyway, in Kendall's favorite things of the week section, I am so utterly and amazingly obsessed with this web series VGHS. Which stands for "Video Game High School." It was made by Freddie W. and gang on YouTube and it's just so good. I mean, one reason I like it is because I am into video games and I get a lot of the references in it, but I think that even if you don't like video games at all, you can still enjoy this series because there is so much more to it. It's so well made and high quality. And I freaking love the characters and the actors and sets and plot and the love and everything!!!!!!!

Bottom line: WATCH VGHS! 

Also, in Nerdy Kendall news, I ordered two new RAM chips last weekend and they came in yesterday and I'm so freaking excited about them. I originally had 2 GB on my computer, but now I have 8. Win? WIN. 

Okay, I am off to bed. Have a nice week!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 21
Why This Week Was Awesome: Sleep
Song Stuck in My Head: ?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Life With No Regrets

I was literarily in my bed, ready to sleep, when I bolted up and realized that I still had to blog. Good thing I remembered....

So this week was a good time. On Friday, the gang and I went to Eat the Street: Garlic Fest. It was kind of awesome. I was on the news. Twice. After that, we saw Brave. Honestly, I did like it, I thought that it was good, except, it wasn't a Pixar movie at all. It was a good movie movie. A crap Pixar movie though. 

After that, on Saturday, I hung out with an old friend, and that was cool. I also bought some more RAM, which is pretty freaking exciting if you ask me. 

Today, I bought a new (and only) aloha shirt, then I went to a grad party: there was delicious food, fun plado, amazing soap, and lots of love. Then, I went to a funeral. The first REAL funeral that I have been to. It was for the wrestling head coach. There were a LOT of people there. The wrestling team had a short portion of the program and it was really nice. I felt good about the whole thing. After that, there was another grad party, with more good noms, and a very fun and chill atmosphere. 

Overall: good week. I'm tired. But I have been tired since January, so nothing has changed... 

Okay, sleep time. 

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 19
Why This Week Was Awesome: GARLIC
Song Stuck in My Head: "Some Nights" by Fun

So call me maybe!

I forgot to do this after school finished--my weekly titles!

Senior Year: Book 1
Week 1: Hey Ssssenio12!
Week 2: JUMP? No?
And the risk-taking journey begins.
Week 3: Hard Choices
This had something to do with the first risk I contemplated taking on in the beginning of the year but ultimately did not go through with it. Apparently, it was a hard choice.
Week 4: Expecto Patronum
I think the week before had been particularly stressful and hard, not only for me but for a lot of us. So to ward off the dementors away, I tried to do cast Patronuses.
Week 5: Your Reason Why
Whoa, this is quite obscure. I think I know what this is talking about, but I'm not sure...
Week 7: 155 MPH ACE
These three weeks were, as the titles suggest, adrenaline- and pressure-filled.
Week 9: 3 Days of NOW
A short and welcome breather from all the work and stress.
Week 10: Coming Home 2011 (For the Holidays!)
Homecoming Week, of course.
Week 11: "Forever the Name on My Lips"
Week 12: "Pirate Ships and Purple Clouds"
Again, Nanowrimo...
Week 13: Honestly
Ooh, what was this...?
Week 14: Headstrong WEAKNESS
Aw, well, this doesn't sound good. Judging from the Nano scrawls and notes all over the pages, I was struggling with the story (like, finishing it) and school.
Week 15: Irrelevant!
What? How can a week be irrelevant?
Week 16: JayCee
All the nano-feels...?
Of course!
Week 18: *sigh...small smile*
I think this was a happy thing.
Week 19: "Chin Up, Soldier."
Hooray to necessary self-lifting!

Senior Year: Book 2
Week 20: Second Sem Swag
Aww yeah, alliteration. WHAT.
Week 21: Change for the Better
I'm not sure to what I was referring, but this was my birthday week, so...
Week 22: Give
The first week of our 29 days of gift-giving!
Week 23: LGDTB!
That means Let's Get Down to Business!
Week 24: Forever is a Long Time
It is.
Week 25: ORANGE
Trying to fight off a mean cold.
Week 27: Rainnnnnnnnn
Water fell from the sky. Lots of it.
Week 28: Strangely Well
I was well. In a strange way?
Week 29: "May the 4th Quarter Odds Be Ever in Your Favor!"
Ahh, Hunger Games. This was from Mr. U's daily nametag.
Week 30: More Real than Before
All the college results came in the mail this week.
Week 31: EPIC 
Week 32: Hurt
After States...
I realized that I had 15 days of actual school days left before APs.
Week 34: The Wire
Getting down to it...
Week 35: AP WEEK #1
Ew, how bland of me.
Week 36: 
Week 37:
Week 38: 

After AP WEEK #1, the notebook is blank. I guess I had no need for a planner anymore after that. I mean, after APs, I basically just went to homeroom and scholarship and worked.

And now, I need a new one. I think a weekly/monthly planner will work just fine now that my schedule, which has necessitated a 2-page-spread-per-day type of planner for the past four years, is different. So I am off to get one!

Risks: 22
Hugs: 1
Current food cravings/obsessions: fruit
Playlist(s) on repeat: Basically my entire Musics Library on iTunes...
Books Read Since Graduation: 3