Sunday, June 24, 2012

It's Just So ...... Gavin

Hey guys! 

So, this week was pretty average, work wise. It was what happened this weekend that was the interesting part. Well, actually, I spent most of this week stressing out over the fact that, today, I had to give a freaking speech! A SPEECH!!! Like, I'm not in High School anymore, who does that!??!?!?!

Well, it was for my friend, Gavin's, Court of Honor Ceremony which is basically a ceremony for him becoming an Eagle Scout. There were five of them total and during one portion of the program, a friend or family member of each of the people was asked to give a speech. Gavin asked me kind of a while ago, but he told me so little about it that I questioned how legit this was. Despite that, I still prepared a great deal and practiced a lot (thanks to my leadership class skills) beforehand. I was kind of nervous before, but it really struck me when I showed up, saw all the people, then looked at the program to find that MY FREAKING NAME WAS IN THE FREAKING PROGRAM!!!!!! It was legit.

So I went third out of the five speakers, and, not to brag or anything, but honestly, I think my speech was the best. I mean, the others were good and seemed to have their hearts in the right place, but it was obvious that I was the most prepared. I mean, the others kind of just read off a paper, while I only had barely legible notes in front of me. 

The thing though, that felt the best about it, was being able to say such true and nice things about Gavin in a kind of not awkward way. I praised him a lot in the speech and I meant every part of it. I'm lucky to have someone like Gavin in my life and I am honored that he asked me to speak for him.

Okay, enough of that!!! I still want to talk about Nicki Minaj a little, but that's gonna have to wait. I have to get ready for the partay tomorrow!!! (Not really, I'm just tired.)


Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 16 (SO MUCH NOMMSSS!!!)
Why This Week Was Awesome: SPEECH!!!! (In the most loud and obnoxious way)
Song Stuck in My Head: "Everybody Talks" by Neon Trees?!?

But here's my number!

Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a pleasant summer. Whether you are on a trip, are working or volunteering, maybe taking summer classes, or are simply taking the whole two months off (as in, you know, "just cruising"), I hope you're having fun and are making this summer count!

I realized that I haven't talked about what a normal day for me has looked like for the past couple of weeks. Allow me to bring you up to speed on the matter!

Every day, I wake up quite early in the morning in order to get ready for work. Josh and I take the bus to school and the entire commute takes about five minutes max (not including wait time). When I get to the office, Kendall's already sitting in front of the computer, working (or eating a PB&J sandwich). We start off by, you know, checking emails and answering phone calls. That's a lot of what we do all day on a daily basis. The three of us in the office keep track of attendance, handle the computer lab/cart reservations for teachers' classes, notify teachers of students' planned absences, and run errands. And we eat. A lot. Mrs. Oda calls us cookie monsters, but Kendall is the resident Eater of All Things Edible. (He found our secret stash of chips that we'd been keeping hidden from him for a while now....which means all of that will be gone in a matter of weeks. Bugger!)

We finish work at four-ish then I go home by bus. It's very boring after writing it all down like that, but my days are punctuated by grad parties and random outings with family or just a couple of friends. I've been craving food in general (but then again, when do I not have these cravings?) so I'm always excited to go for food adventures. Lots of frozen yogurt. (I treated myself to Yogurtland earlier this week just for getting another job at UH! Whoo!) Up next: pho, burger night, Greek, and then maybe Indian, if I'm feeling up to it. Oh, and GARLIC AND FARM FESTS! It sounds like I'm just asking people to go out with me just because I want to eat and it would be really awkward if I go to eat by myself, but I'm really not. I like hanging out with people. And food goes well with hanging out with friends. All agree? I thought so. Okay, so yeah, I'm also reading whenever I can and I'm also usually on Tumblr during the weekends.

And that is my life.

Okay, um, bye now. (Game of Thrones!)

Risks: 22 (Two in the past week!) 
Hugs: 0
Current food cravings/obsessions: water
Playlist(s) on repeat: Like An N, But Not Really
Books Read Since Graduation: 3

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Morning Had Dawned Clear and Cold...


I honestly had no clue what Jen was going to talk about in her post this week, but I had been planning on talking about an EXTREMELY similar topic. Jen's "taboo" subject (kind of) is Math, but she just reflected upon how it has affected her. I was planning on doing the same thing, but with me, it's English.  

I'm not a big fan of English. That much hasn't really changed. I hate being forced to read things. Even more so, I hate being forced to look for things in readings. Why can't I just enjoy something for what it is?!? Since when does EVERYTHING NEED to be a metaphor?!!?...

Anyways, I think that I have come a long way too. While I still really don't like English and never want to write another analytical essay in my entire life, there are parts of English that I really do enjoy (even if I'm not good at it): writing.

This is actually something that I wanted to share with you guys a while ago, but I forgot to. It's our Advanced Creative Writing final project. A website. You guys can read all the crazy things that our classmates wrote, and, if you really want, you can read some of my writing. None of it is particularly good, I had no time in these past few months, so it was rather hasty, but still, it's an awesome memory and I want to share it with you all.

(I also kind of wanted to rant about Nicki Minaj in this post, but I think that we can save that for next week.)

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 14 (I'm not counting the endless PB&Js I had this week...)
Why This Week Was Awesome: PB&Js!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: .......

Saturday, June 16, 2012

And this is crazy!

I had arrived at Ward Theaters for Project Grad on Graduation Saturday at exactly 11:30pm. Kinda. See, I had been taking a nap before that and my mom also fell asleep. When I woke up at 11:20pm, I panicked and tried to get ready but, of course, with my luck, I could not find my glasses. So I spent a good three minutes and 3.141592658 seconds looking for them everywhere--bathroom, closet, car, refrigerator, you know, the usual. I finally found them in one of the cabinet drawers inside my closet. I shoved them onto my face, frantically woke up my mom and then we jetted off to Ward with about a fraction of a second to spare. I jumped out of the car, rushed past two chaperones, Mrs. Au and Ms. Tamas, who both said, "Just in time, Jen!" and took the stairs three at a time. By the time I got to the top where I was supposed to check in and pick up my Project Grad sweatshirt, I was panting a little bit and I was so nervous and shaken by the thought of possibly missing out on all the fun that what happened next when I walked forward to grab a sweatshirt from the alphabetically lined boxes completely caught me by surprise.

Mrs. Kuioka was hovering over the middle of the alphabet (Maybe the Ks, ironically? Who knows?) with a list of student names in her hand. When she saw me, I smiled at her and was about to walk past her toward the R box when she suddenly exclaimed, "Jen!" and then pulled me into one of those tight and lengthy hugs for which she is quite known around campus. I was confused but I hugged her back just as tightly, of course. "I just got your senior portrait. Thank you," she said, her cheek buried under my messy hair. "That's what it was all about."

"That's what it was all about," she repeated. 

The week before, I had labored over my senior portrait messages. I thought that it would be a hard task in terms of trying to figure out what to say to each teacher but, actually, it came very easily because I have learned valuable and unique lessons from all of them. And Mrs. K's message was one of the easiest ones to write.

Mrs. K was my very first math teacher in 'Iolani. Before I took Algebra 1C with her, I had always equated math class with dread because I hated feeling lost and never knowing the correct answer--much less how to get it! Anyone who knows me knows that I like math only when I know what I'm doing. And, usually, I do not know what I'm doing--at least for the first half of class, or until I've had at least a day to soak in the teacher's lectures. 

But Mrs. K encouraged me to close my eyes, breathe and keep going. It didn't matter how many times I got stumped, she pushed me and made me realize that I would not get any better unless I tried and made mistakes. No matter how many times I froze, my pencil hovering in midair, ready to pack up and go home, she stood over my shoulder in class and made sure I wrote something--anything!--down on that piece of paper and not leave it blank. She taught me that it is okay to look at a math problem and have absolutely no idea how to solve it. She taught me that it is okay to go back to what I do know and use that in order to  make sense of the unfamiliar. She taught me that it is perfectly okay to JUST CHARGE. 

And that is definitely what all this--*gestures wildly*--this thing that we do, this "LIVING LIFE" thing that we always say that we want and have to do is all about: trying new things and constantly pushing forward no matter what. I know this and I live by it. And I have Mrs. K to thank for it. So I told her so in my senior portrait message to her.

As I thought about this in the darkened theater later that night, trying my hardest not to fall asleep during "Snow White and the Huntsman" (to no avail--I fell asleep during the last 45 minutes), I realized that, ironically, I have learned some of the most valuable lessons from the teachers who have taught me the subject to which I feel the least connected: math. 

My Algebra 1C teacher, Mrs. Kuioka, taught me not to fear the obstacles in my way. I can always go back and find another route around them.

Mrs. Nirei taught me that there are times in life when there are no right or wrong answers, much like Geometry. In times like these, the conviction with which I defend and support what I believe is the only thing that matters. 

Mrs. Miura's rigorous daily quizzes in Algebra 2A showed me that unwavering focus and fiery determination can help me get wherever I want to be. Nothing is ever impossible as long as I work hard every single day and focus.

Mr. Rubasch's eccentric lectures proved to me that being different is never a bad thing and that conformism gets you nowhere. Being "an individual" is something to be embraced in order to find one's identity. It is to be nurtured if it is to stand the tests of adversity.

When I fell terribly behind on Precalculus homework my junior year, Mr. Guillou gave me my very first (and only!) 3 under the category of "Effort" on my report card (with 4 being the worst evaluation). I definitely needed that wake-up call to see the importance of maintaining a healthy balance in my life. In the real world, I now know that I will have to prioritize, choose, and toggle--and the dilemma will never be as trivial as choosing between AP USH, Physics B, and math homework.

And, finally, my year with Mr. Park in Calc AB showed me that it really isn't all about the grades. "It's about the learning!" Mr. Park repeatedly yelled at us, ever the "Furious Scribblers," throughout the school year. Though I only got a glimpse of how people like Kendall feel about math, I am so glad and thankful that Mr. Park led me toward this opportunity of realizing how beautiful and rewarding a challenging subject can be--even if I was on the border between a B+ and an A- all year.

In the past four years, the higher and more advanced the math class got, the least useful it all seemed to be to me. Little did I know that I was actually learning valuable life lessons along the way. Though I had thought of math as one of the most limited and narrow subjects I will ever have to take, I now realize that it is definitely far from it.

If I get a 5 in my AP Calculus AB exam (and I will find out mid-July, I believe), it means I won't have to take math at all in the next four years (unless I drastically change my major...which I won't). I never thought I would say this, but I am definitely going to miss sitting in a math class. Nevertheless, I am praying that I do get the required score of 5 because if I had to take math in college, I know I will never encounter math instructors who can even compare to the six I had in 'Iolani. I am a very lucky girl indeed.

Risks: 20 
Hugs: 2...but the day is still young-ish.
Current food cravings/obsessions: chex mix
Playlist(s) on repeat: heyijustmetyouandthisiscrazybuthere'smynumbersocallmemaybe!
Books Read Since Graduation: 1 (This is a "new chapter" of my life so I'm tracking books read now! Visit for more!)

P.S. Okay, I'm off to read more.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hey, I just met you!

I had this essay all planned out...but I didn't have time to finish writing it. So that will have to wait...

Anyway, yes! It's summer. And we're working! I'm kinda nervous because tomorrow is the first day of summer school...and work is gonna be a little bit different from previous days.

Also, grad parties. Grad parties!

I've been reading a lot lately. I'm gonna keep this up from now on in my life...BECAUSE I CAN!

Mail. Just putting this out here for future reference. Lots of thank you notes sent, invites received, and much more.

Okay, I'm in a tiny bit of a rush here so I'll keep it short.

Tootles! :)

Risks: 20 
Hugs: Kelsey's grad party today...lots of hugs.
Current food cravings/obsessions: cereal
Playlist(s) on repeat: "Awkwardly Celebratory for No Reason" + "Um, I'm Embarrassed to Say" (combos are cool)


Hey guys...

So it's summer!!!! W00TTT!!!! Except I've been spending most of my time working..... Although it has been fun! Despite the fact that I am the go-to person when it comes to any sort of physical labor, but I guess that that should be expected seeing as I'm the only guy, but still! Although, it was a good week for free noms!!! Lots of noms.... And cookie stealing.....

There is so much that I need/want to do this summer but I don't really know how I'm going to be able to do it seeing as I work all day everyday, but I will try my best to squeeze it in. For now though, I still want to try and rest and relax a little bit after those past few weeks at school....

I'm sorry that this is going to be a short one, but I am tired and I want to read. Okay, until next week guys!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 13
Why This Week Was Awesome: NOMS!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Home" by Philip Philips

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Diploma Left, Shake Right


So, funny story, remember how I said I was sick last week, but then felt better by, like, Junior Prom and stuff? Well yeah, I was feeling better, until this FREAKING Thursday when I FREAKING got sick AGAIN!!!!! So since then, I've been fighting it, and I think that I've almost won. 

Anyways, yes, we graduated yesterday. And as weird as that feels to say, it is just as weird to know that it is true. I've been so incredibly busy these past few months that I honestly have not had a single moment to really look back and realize what has actually happened.

The ceremony was great, for graduation. The speeches were good (KIRSTEN!!!!!!! Thank you so much for mentioning us!!! Your speech was amazing!), we were in the shade, and Gavin walked across the stage barefoot. A second before my name was about to be called and I had to walk across the stage, a sense of nervousness shot throughout my body. The whole thing was strange and almost surreal. The next thing I knew, I was walking down the aisle again, looking for my seat. It's amazing how four long years (for most people longer than that) of achievement, emotions, failure, and learning, could all culminate into one single moment, embodied in one single document. 

But since it's so short and so seemingly meaningless, I'm so glad that we are here in Hawai'i, and we get to partake in the amazing tradition of giving leis. Before, I honestly didn't think that it would be too bad, carrying all those leis, but once they were actually on me, the combination of sickness and fatigue almost made me crumble under the weight of all the leis. But other than that, it was super fun. 

After that, was the illustrious Project Grad. And while it was a fun time and I enjoyed it despite my sickness, I am so surprised that I have been so tired since. Usually I'm the one who never needs the sleep and can always stay up, but getting no sleep while sick, I was unable to function. 

Nonetheless, it was all a good time. It was, of course, a blur, but if it wasn't, how would we be able to truly experience it? (That made no sense....)

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 9
Why This Week Was Awesome: Graduation!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: It's been rather blank


I'm typing this post not because I want to write about the week and stuff but because I have to do this. I really don't want to write simply because I just have too many feelings so let's hold off on that and just scratch the surface. I'm still stewing. I'm just...yeah, I'm stewing.

So yes, we graduated yesterday. AND! WHAT! A! DAY! IT! WAS! Everything is a blur right now: the prep, the actual ceremony, the lei-giving part, the dinner, Project Grad. I don't remember anything. Well, not really, I remember things but nothing feels real right now. I came home from Project Grad, went straight to sleep and woke up a little before noon. And I've just been walking around, cleaning up everything that resulted from graduation, watching TV and lounging around, having a lazy day. Though that sounds nice, it's not. I'm basically a zombie right now.

All this week, I have been telling people, "I don't feel anything. I'm just numb. I don't even know why I don't feel the need or urge to cry or celebrate or whatever. I just feel nothing," whenever we talked about graduating. But things were different on the bus ride back from Project Grad this morning. The closer we got to school , the heavier my chest felt. By the time we got to 'Iolani, I was hugging myself tightly to keep my heart from falling, but no matter how tightly I held onto myself, my heart felt like it was in free fall. When I got in my Mom's car, I realized that the reason I wasn't feeling anything was because I wasn't allowing myself to feel anything at all. So I let myself feel for just a second. And then I started crying. 

I think I'll be better later. Um. This is a shame because I was so excited to blog about how absolutely loved I felt during the lei-giving in the football field after the ceremony! Thank you to everyone who came to the ceremony and/or gave me a lei yesterday. I don't have words. But I will next week. I was thinking about talking about metaphors, full circles, disillusionment, happy advice, nice surprises and more...maybe. It's probably what I'm gonna be talking about for the next several weeks. But for now, I must drift.

Risks: 20 
Hugs: I graduated from high school yesterday, man.
Current food cravings/obsessions: not hungry
Playlist(s) on repeat: none


5:18 ADD-ON!!!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. HOLD IT. What in the world?! Guys, I just realized: THIS is my very first day as an 'Iolani alumna. And so far, I've spent this very special day watching TV, being lazy, munching on candy and chocolate and popcorn and crab cakes, drifting and feeling all blah because high school is over, and just lounging around DOING NOTHING. This is definitely not the way to go. I'm so disappointed in myself and I would like to apologize.

Today, I should be doing something that is meaningful to me and, hopefully, to others as well. I should be doing something good for both myself and the greater world. I should be doing something that helps me grow. I should be doing something that shows that I am a proud 'Iolani graduate, ready to serve and help others, ready to make a difference, and ready to do good BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT MY YEARS IN 'IOLANI HAVE TAUGHT ME. 

Anyway, how did I realize this? Aunty Wendy! Aunty Wendy is a friend of mine, Megan's, mom. I met her when I was a sophomore, I believe. Megan, her little brother, Kyle, and Aunty Wendy all came to greet me after the graduation ceremony yesterday and it was such a wonderful surprise. I knew Megan would be there but when I saw Kyle and Aunty Wendy too, I was near tears. To add to that, Aunty Wendy got me a cute little handbook called "be happy" filled with pieces of one-line advice on and cute comics about how to live a life of happiness. Not only am I so thankful that Aunty Wendy was thoughtful enough to come to my graduation but also very touched that she would go out of her way to get me such a sweet gift. The people who matter to me definitely know that I am big on happiness and finding it. And this book is just the most perfect little thing! In addition, it is also the perfect vehicle for me to use in an effort to send some good out there into the world today. 

So after I finish typing this add-on, I am going to spend the next couple of hours coloring the comics, adding on funny doodles, writing out more advice and my own stories and the things that I've learned about happiness over time on the pages, and so much more. I will also include my own story behind the "be happy" book somewhere in there (Or maybe I'll accompany it with another Moleskin? Hmmm....). When the time is right, I plan to pass on this "be happy" book to someone else and it is my hope that they will add on to the book's knowledge and pass it on to another. And so on! 

So that is how I'm going to spend the rest of my very first day as an 'Iolani alumna: creating something that I hope will touch others' lives for many years to come. And if I finish early, maybe I should write. Yeah, I'm in a writing mood. There's nothing to read here at the moment but I can always walk to Barnes & Noble if I want. I also asked Josh to bring back from home a couple of the books that were on my bedside table. So I plan to be productive in terms of reading at the very least in the next several weeks!

Ahh, I feel so much better now. THANK YOU AND MUCH LOVE TO THE CHING FAMILY! :)

P.S. I just realized that I don't have crayons or coloring pencils. Hmmm. Note to self: Start coloring again. But first, buy some coloring implements....and a coloring book!

Ciao bellas!