Saturday, November 26, 2011

Peaches and Speeches

Why hello there? I have been enjoying this mini break a little too much. This weekend, most of us had our last legitimate Thanksgiving at home. For those of us who are going to the mainland for college, chances are we won't come back for Thanksgiving for those four years. And if we are home for Thanksgiving after college, things won't be the same. It's almost Christmas. This year is almost half over. Pretty soon everything is gonna change. Scary thoughts, man. 

Anyways, I finally finished Inheritance this week. I'm gonna give a little mini review, so if you don't want it to be spoiled, skip this paragraph. I thought that it was really good. I actually enjoyed it a lot. It was everything that I expected from another one of his books, but more. I loved the fight scenes. They showed how much Roran, Eragon, and Nasuada have grown. Also, the final battle with Galbatorix was awesome. I didn't really catch that it was a nuclear explosion until Gavin told me about it, but I thought that was cool. Chris is such a nerd. Also, the TWO Doctor Who references? Ahh, so awesome. And then Arya getting FĂ­rnen? I so knew it. Gah. It was still awesome when I found out. I was so happy for her. She deserves a dragon. And finally the ending. I mean, we knew that it was coming since the first book because Angela said he was gonna leave, but still. It was so sad. I can imagine, though, all of his friends coming to find him when they get old. Just because he can't come back doesn't mean that they can't see him. 

Anyways, I started on Water For Elephants and hopefully I can finish that soon because I want to start my Christmas book. 

We got our Christmas tree today which is kind of exciting. I kind of don't like the type of tree that we get because we don't get a normal Christmas tree, but oh well. At least it isn't a fake tree. There are two types of people in this world, people who get real Christmas trees, and people who get fake ones. The former being the obviously better one. "It's just so much work." No. Shut up. It's freaking worth it. (Unless you're allergic or something.)

Books Read: 24 (W00T!!!!)
Why Today Was Awesome: Christmas Tree. (Also, Target is really cool.)
Song Stuck in My Head: Christmas Songs in General 


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