Saturday, November 26, 2011

Winston Churchill Was NOT Black

Short bursts of focus versus long bouts of intensity? (Well, that sounded awkward...)

Short bursts of focus, it is, then.

Thanksgiving! It was good. Food was good, of course, but it kind of got me thinking: on a day when we're supposed to be appreciative of all the things we have in our lives, why do we indulge ourselves in food when others who are less fortunate suffer from hunger? It seems like fasting is a much more sensible way of celebrating Thanksgiving, come to think of it. But I'm not one to talk--I literally ate for at least 6 consecutive hours on Thursday...

Shopping! I got some stuff. A couple notable items include a smaller curling iron (Yes, well, I looked like a cross between a 40's pin-up girl and a 50's housewife [like, with the vacuum cleaner in one hand and a martini in the other] despite the fact that it kinda worked out the last time, so....imagine what would happen if I had smaller and tighter curls!!!) and new earbuds (FINALLY!).

School! Is still school. I have a lab report to write tomorrow. FUNNNN.

Speech! I just realized today that I have practice every day for the remaining three weeks of school because of the last non-qualifying tournament. And I have late-night practices for the next three Fridays until Christmas break starts. And I have to write my AmLeg (yeah, I'm calling it that now) oration by Christmas. Here we go....................

Nano! Still trudging on...hopefully, I'll break 15,000 before I sleep tonight? Let's face it: I'm not gonna win this year. But I think I'll keep writing anyway. I had a major breakthrough just a couple of days ago and I actually know what's going on now. No ninjas yet though.

Food! Pies dominated my desserts all weekend, so I'm officially calling dibs on the dessert responsibilities for my family this Christmas. It will be homemade cinnamon-chocolate rolls, rice krispies, sugar/chocolate chip cookies, snickerdoodles, and TRUFFLES. Definitely homemade truffles...........

Music! I "rediscovered" Pandora today. I haven't been on for the longest time and I decided to go on it today just because. I love music.

Okay, well, I'm off. I have some thank you notes to create.

Risks taken: 10
Hugs: 1
Current food craving(s)/obsession(s): avocado
Playlist(s) of the Week: "Add 30 Years and Some Free JDs Ice Cream"


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