Sunday, November 13, 2011

What is Right and What is Easy


So first of all, on Friday durning 11/11 at the first 11:11, I was in line at Taco Bell and therefore my wish was rather hasty and poorly worded. However, when the second 11:11 came around, my wish was well rehearsed and thoughtfully planned out. Now we have to see if it comes true...

I pretty much spent most of yesterday reading. I FINALLY finished Brisingr and now I am getting started on Inheritance. I'm pretty stoked. 

As for Wrimo, well, I'm at 25,000 words, which is not far off from where I started. I haven't really had that much time to write, but what I have written so far is really good. I'm glad that I am able to make this story mature as I have matured over this past year. I can't wait to see where it goes. 

Today, my family had a garage sale, which was kind of fun I guess, but it was just exhausting, especially since not many people came... But, afterwards, I managed to submit my first College Application to UW!!! The rest of my apps aren't due for a while so I'm not gonna worry about those yet, but it's still exciting to know that I have applied to a college. Hopefully I get in!!!

Books Read: 23 (W000000TTT!!!!)
Why Today Was Awesome: First App Done!!! (Even if that may not be the greatest of accomplishments!)
Something I Learned: How to put signs up well
Song Stuck in My Head: "Back Home" by Luke Conard and Tiffany Alvord


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