Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's Been A While Since You Told Me Your Favorite Story

Hi there. So this will also be a short post because I have a lot of reading to do. And I have an advice paper to write. But mostly reading for Bio (3 chapters) and Gov (1 unit from the extra textbook , 2 case packets, and 1 chapter from the actual textbook).

Not to mention some 7,000 words to write for NaNoWriMo. I need to catch up because I was doing so well for the first two days when the Bio lab report stumped me on Thursday night and the fact that Friday nights are my Sleep Early nights got me on Friday night. And then there was the fall play on Saturday night...MUST WRITE! 

Anyway, the fall play. I thought it was good. Really good. I think some people got something cynical and negative out of it, which is totally fine because these things are always open to interpretation, but I feel really good because I got something positive out of it. While some people may have chosen to look at the Antrobus' lives as a representation of the whole "Ugh, here we go again, this is what we keep doing forever and ever" deal or the mundane routines that tend to dominate our lives, I chose to see it as the constant cycle of new beginnings. Ironic that at the time George loses his will to start over and rebuild, there was a baby in the house. Along with this, I also understood the necessity to look at life this way in order to perpetuate the human race. Although doing so would also mean perpetuating the rebellious and violent sides of us all (ahh Henry), it also means that we can still continue to love and laugh and learn with the help of the endless knowledge recorded in books, our families, and the promises that we work hard to keep. And the actors were great--to all the seniors, a special congratulations and thank you for a great show! Tiff used her inner eye to see the future..... :)

So yes I have to go now. Lots to do and so little time. 

I really loved...Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
I smiled...because of that "...certain type of synergy between you and me..."
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"This could be all I've waited for and this could be everything I don't wanna dream anymore..." (Weightless by All Time Low)
Hugs: 0 (I'm an angry and sad child today...)
Risks taken: 7
Current food cravings: chocolate pudding


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