Saturday, November 12, 2011

Not Just Any Chicken But THE CHICKEN

I missed the first 11:11:11 on 11/11/11. I was on the bus on my way home from the AP Bio Ala Wai project work day and I didn’t hear the alarm on my phone because I was listening to music on my iPod. *sigh*

So now, instead of getting two wishes on Friday—one for something I really want and another for something I really need—I only got one for the night (so, of course, I had to wish for that something that I really need…). *another sigh*

I meant to writewritewrite for NaNo all day on Friday as soon as I got back from school. I thought it would also cheer me up after failing to make a wish! But Pride and Prejudice was on Oxygen, the one with Kiera Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. And that pretty much killed that plan……………*yet another sigh*

At the very end, Elizabeth replies to Darcy’s renewed proposal with “Your hands are cold.” And I was like, "Hey! Mine too!" (It's true, you can ask my friends--I'm a freak). Anyway, think about it. Also, P&P is a great hands movie.

Okay, so this past week in school was…draining. Much more than the past few weeks have been.

I’m over 10,000 words behind, I believe, in NaNo so hopefully by the end of the weekend, I will have a lot done. The 20 pages, single-spaced, size 12 font, and 0.5x0.5 margins’ worth of words I’ve written so far has only spanned a little over three hours. A lot of it are flashbacks; I’m still setting up everything. So far, there are only four characters in action—one of which is “dead” and another “imaginary”—well, five if you count that little mention of Ms. Dyliacco. I hope to get to a point where a lot of the background is explained so that I can have my characters go-go-go.

Okay, well, that’s it for now. I'm off to do homework and a bunch of reading (So much reading....Why is there so much reading to be done????) so that I can spend all of Sunday writing.

I really loved…pizza.
I smiled…because I watched the video of Josh asking Jordan to Winter Ball on YouTube today for the first time. 
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog: una chica triste.
Risks taken: 7……………………………..
Hugs: 0
Current food cravings/obsessions: milk and chocolate chip cookies
Playlist of the Week: “Therapy Sessions with Max” and “The Perpetually Penultimate Fug”


P.P.S. Clearly, I'm trying new things for the bottom again. I think that's it for now. Actually, for forever.....unless I change my mind.


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