Sunday, September 28, 2014

Riding Solo

Don't judge, the title refers to Jason Derulo's song...I SAID DON'T JUDGE! It just came on okay...

It has been a crazy crazy week. I had majority of my Mentee Meetings throughout the week, had my first exam of the semester on Friday, took the LSAT on Saturday (I still have a stiff neck), went to the NAMI Walk this morning, had lunch with Rebecca, and am now trying to relearn the menstrual cycle. And this is just the beginning! Speech materials are due tomorrow, organizational selection due for Conflict Management on Tuesday, a Mentee Meeting on Wednesday, Research Methods exam on Thursday, and then my Technical Presentation on Friday, an interviewing volunteership Friday night,  bibimbap demo and tasting Saturday followed by paintball. Good thing I don't have to plan a lessong for my freshmen this week. College is fun guys! There are deadlines to heed, emails to compose, and forms to be filled out, yes. But there are also rules to "disregard", lives to touch, jokes to tell, spicy fried rice to consume, and unsuspecting children to pelt with paint pellets as a form of stress relief--which definitely makes up for the former! 

Now that the LSAT is over, I feel like I have a lot more time on my hands...time that I badly needed the past month or so because of how behind I clearly now am according to my Con Law reading list.... And the fact that my first Con Law exam is next week.... Can do!

Also. Gym. Finally. Yes. Gym.

How was the LSAT you ask? Well I cannot divulge any details (LSAC is always watching!) but I think it was...okay. I mean. The unscored LG section was better than the actual scored one, of course, which is uggghhh. But it is over and fretting over it will not change my score! So, onward!

In other news, I started off this week with pretty good news: Thought Catalog published a piece of mine! Yeah, yeah, it was already a blog post, but hey. The different platform makes it matter more, I guess.

Have a good week folks!

Shut Up and Dance With Me

Hey guys!

This week was school...

Yup. School started. My last first day. It happened. But it was good. I'm glad. Things are shaping up pretty well. 

On Friday, I went to my aunts cause my cousin is here and she is pregnant. Yup. Oh, that's what I wanted to say. For my nursing class, I have to raise a baby. His name is Zaedyn. Hehe. 

I don't really know what else to say. Life is happening. Just gotta be ready for it. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: Babys
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 5
Books Read: 12
Airplanes Ridden: 18
Concerts Attended:13

Monday, September 22, 2014

We are Believers

Hey guys!

Yeah yeah I'm a little late. Boo hoo.

I'm at work right now. #rebel.

This whole week was interesting. I worked everyday. The weird part was that I ACTUALLY worked. You know? I've been really busy at work and it's crazy. 

Other than that, I don't know man. School hasn't started yet. But it's going to. This is it.

Also, yesterday (Sunday) I had a concert. It was for a british band You Me at Six. It was weird. But good. It was really small, not many people were there. We got an awkward before hand meet and greet/acoustic set. It was really odd, but cool. I'm glad I went. White girls, man, they are crazy.

I should get back to work though. Life is happening and there is no time to waste. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: Sandwiches, Whole Foods, and Sleep
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 4
Books Read: 11
Airplanes Ridden: 18
Concerts Attended:13

Sunday, September 21, 2014

My Time

I'm at a good place. I really am. At least, relatively. Better than where I was before. 

I have come a long way. I have given up many a beautiful day to buckle down in Sinclair. I have missed out on a lot of Anything Happens Mondays and Dumb S**t Thursdays and Down Time Fridays. I have not stepped into the gym, a place I have grown to love, for two months now. I have missed hours of sleep (something that I cannot make up), overlooked pages of required readings and passed on meetings and spontaneous get-togethers. 

This cannot be all for naught. This CANNOT be all for naught.

This has to happen. This must happen. This can happen. 


Monday, September 15, 2014

We Are the Poisoned Youth

Hey guys.

Ugh. I'm the worst.

Anyway, the week started out normal. Work. But it was my last two days so I was scrambling to get presents and write notes and all that. Ugh. Emotions.

Then I was done. I left. I said duces. Wednesday I hopped on a plane and ended up at Jaime's school. Thursday was spent not doing much. Friday was then spent at the Washington State Fair. Fall Out Boy was there. This was my 4th time seeing them. Sorry I'm not sorry? That's the type of thing that I could do over and over again and never get tired of. 

Saturday was kind of more nothing isn (there was berry picking involved). Then on Sunday I moved into my new apartment. I have my own room this year. This is THE year. Time to grow up. Time to live life. Gotta make the most of it, you know? 

Why This Week Was Awesome: Smoothies
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 3
Books Read: 11
Airplanes Ridden: 18
Concerts Attended:12

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Much Emails

For some reason, I now feel more inclined to use fonts like Helvetica and Tahoma. 

Before, I had a special fondness for Cambria Math and Georgia. They were my  fonts, you know? I didn't like Calibri or Arial at all. It was Cambria Math or Georgia, or you were out the door.

But now I have changed my default font in my emails to Tahoma. Is this what growing up is about? Adulthood, is that you? I don't know if I am ready for a life with Helvetica and Tahoma just yet....

Another week of work and class and studying! Here we go!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

You Will Remember Me For Centuries

Hey guys!

This was a week,right? On monday, I got up. Took a bus. Took a train. Almost got on a plane. Watched the lady from Hawaii Five-O take my seat. Ran back to the train station. Missed the train. Got on the next train. Got off the train. Walked. Got on another train (this one had wifi). Got off the train. Got in a car. Went to Chiptole. That's all that mattered. 

Oh. There were smoothies too. 

I went to Jaime's school that day. The next day, I went up to the Seattle airport. Actually got on that plane. Then went to work. 

That's basically what the rest of the week was. Work. 

I leave in two days. 

That's okay though. I've had a good summer. But it's not done yet.

Why This Week Was Awesome: There were a lot of reasons
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 5
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 1Books Read: 10
Airplanes Ridden: 17
Concerts Attended:11

Can I Just Hide?

I have gotten to a point where I am making dying animal noises as I study for the LSAT. I am sure the group of foreign exchange students who always sit behind me around the tables on the second floor balcony of the library do not appreciate this new development.

I just finished a prep test; I have been following a strict schedule assigned by my instructor, with minor modifications based on my schedule because, you know, class and stuff. So this means I have been taking two practice tests per week and, really, the white spaces in my schedule that used to indicate free time, bus or car time commuting from school to home, walking between classes and work, recreational derping on the computer, meals, etc. are now occupied by the necessary things: SLEEP, BATHROOM BREAK, EAT, COMMUTE.

But at least I am improving my scores!

Okay, so now I have to do homework. Joy!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Will You Pass Forward

Okay. So this is for Sunday.

We woke up at like 6. Got ready. Ate some "Continental Breakfast". Went to Walmart to stock up. And got to the concert venue by like 8:30. It was a really interesting and cool venue actually. It was this Vineyard/Hotel/Place thing. 

What we ended up doing for the first few hours was just taking turns going out around the place and picking all the fruit we could find. Literally, we ate so many apples, raspberries, strawberries, black berries, plums, and peaches. It was great. 

Then we we waited some more. Walked around some more. Ate some more. Until finally it was 5 and we were let into the venue. 

The stage area itself was kind of cool I guess. Basically just a stage set up in front of a lawn, but we were able to set ourselves right up against the barricade. 

The first band was Youngblood Hawke. They were good but they made me feel a little uncomfortable.

Then was Walk the Moon. They were really good. I was looking forward to seeing them and they just had such a good stage presence. It was fun, I'm glad I got to see them.

Then came Panic! at the Disco. They were great as always. It's always so weird seeing Brendon and hearing him live. Like, these are songs I was listening to in Elementary school and now I'm seeing it in front of my face. It's definitely a surreal experience and I'm super happy that we did it. It was a great end to BEDA. It was great life. It always is. It's always worth it.

Why Today Was Awesome: PANIC
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 4
Books Read: 9 
Airplanes Ridden: 16
Concerts Attended:11

I Need One of the Everlasting Dollars

Okay okay I'm a little late.

But I have good reasons. Kind of. 

On Saturday, I woke up early, got ready, went to Taco Bell. Obviously. Basically just chilled until I went BACK to the airport. I freaked out for a good hour or so until finally, I was able to get on the plane. Then I was on a plane. Then I was off a plane. I landed in Portland at like 11 and I ended up taking a cab to our airport and arrived at the crazy ratchet hotel that we stayed at. Literally, all of the bed covers, lamp shades, chars, all covered in this "Sleepy" Bear pattern... It was awful. 

Then sleep.

Why Today Was Awesome: PLANE
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 4
Books Read: 9 
Airplanes Ridden: 16
Concerts Attended:10