Sunday, May 11, 2014

Aww I am sorry, Kendall!

I don't mean to make your heart hurt! >_< I am sorry! Even if it is in a good way, I hope to make your heart light--so light that it can fly away, taking you along for the ride!

This week has gone by in a blur. Classes are done! Yay! And finals start tomorrow. Boo! I am currently juggling studying for classes, work, and catching up with my LSAT classes. I have to make up a couple of classes, each of which are three hours long, and also all of the homework...sadness! Once finals are over, I am gonna go full speed ahead with the LSAT prepping because I cannot afford to lose any more time. I take the exam on June 9! Which is also the reason why I cannot really go and see TFIOS right when it comes out. 

Studying for the LSAT is hard and not fun, most times, because it makes my head hurt. It completely changes the way you are taught to think and going at it for only two hours even is too much. I make sure to take breaks, of course, to stay sane. Going any longer than that is not beneficial at all in the end. At first, I would take breaks just by getting on Tumblr or Pinterest for a bit, but now it has become necessary for me to actually get up from my seat, go outside, take a short walk, go to the bathroom, grab a snack and/or coffee somewhere, call someone on the phone, and stuff like that, just so that I am not as burned out when I go back in for another two hours. It will get easier after finals. Right now, I don't have the luxury of taking the recommended hour or two for break in between sessions. But once it is really summer, I can work for two and a half hours in the library, then walk out to spend some time throwing around a football or something, go back in for another two hours, walk somewhere to grab lunch, then back for a final session, and then spend the rest of the time in the gym. Boom!

Ughh, I am so ready for finals to be over! This is the first time I actually have sit-down exams because COMG...I only have one no-final-just-turn-in-final-paper class and, of course, it is my only Poli Sci class....

Bye guys and see you on the other side!


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