Sunday, February 2, 2014

You Can Only Blame Your Problems On the World For So Long

Hey guys!

This week was kind of crazy. It was actually kind of really rebellious and YOLO.

First of all, yesterday I did something completely crazy and out of my comfort zone. I won't say exactly what it is yet because it isn't 100% complete, but soon I'll let you know, cause I'm actually kind of excited about it, but it just isn't ready yet.

Then, today was the Super Bowl. Which, normally I wouldn't be super pumped about, but the Seahawks were in it and I am in Seattle, so it was kind of exciting. The fun part came afterwards when we went outside and ended up in a mob. People were stomping through the streets, screaming and yelling. Throwing things, people were honking and jumping on cars. Some rode down the street on a dumpster. It was honestly the craziest thing that I've ever been apart of. It was really cool and we got out of it right before the cops showed up so it was perfect timing. It was just kind of fun and exciting to be apart of something with people who are just genuinely happy. 

Yeah, I'm tired and I still have class tomorrow, so yup...

Why This Week Was Awesome: New

Books Read: 3 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 7 (It was a quesarito, so, you know, good day)
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 1 


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