Sunday, January 26, 2014

No More Teen Birthdays


There will be a long post here soon.



My last post was on January 5th. It is now February 1st. I can't.

Since I last posted, I spent a blissful week with The Boyfriend, went back to school and work, spent a weekend with a bunch of great people in a rented house at Tradewinds Ranch in Punalu'u, turned 20, had my birthday family dinner at a Korean Fusion restaurant that had the best kim chee potato salad and Kalbi spare ribs in the history of Korean Fusion restaurants, baked and decorated two birthday cakes all the way until 2am in the morning, went on a dinner cruise that had all-you-can-eat crab and dancing surprises, got nominated to go to an International Diplomacy trip to China in the summer, traipsed through week-long Manoa rain, turned down the nomination to travel to China because it would mean missing Josh's graduation, developed a huge thing for avocado toast, felt the feels about the TFIOS trailer, went back to Gateway for the very first time in more than a year and made Bryson's famous Gateway Ice Cream With Different Cereals Mashed Into It Long Enough Until You Attain A Soft-Serve Like Consistency for dessert, played basketball in the Frear dorms hallway using a red fitness ball, gave a presentation asking an organization on campus to give us money, and, of course, stressed out and sent a bajillion emails every single day.

So I have been occupied. But still.

2014 has been very fun so far, but also very busy. As I expected, it was hard going back to school again. My first day was actually overwhelming--I had to sit and listen and take notes and share with my classmates. It was not bad, just too much after not having to do that for eight months. 

I am fine, more or less. More tired than usual, more doped up on caffeine (tea though, not coffee), sending and replying to more emails every day, but just fine. 

I admit there are times when it makes so much sense to me to crawl up and cry or to smoke weed because of all the things running through my head, but I always end up ok (as I always do)--calm and sober. 

There have been many good things though--new classes, new experiences, fun suprises, appreciating the little things. I am wearing shorts to school! I go to the #10 college in the Most Beautiful Campuses list! I am now 20! I have friends! There is so much love in my life to be thankful for!

School and work are okay. But it is a very good life, guys. A very good life, indeed.

Risks Taken: 61
Kimchi Count: 4


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