Sunday, January 26, 2014

Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Hey guys!

What up? What's good? How you doin'? What's new? ....... Ah......

Lol. Hi, I don't know, this week was this week. Standard. Umm, it was Jen's birthday on Thursday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN!!!!! I expect all of the happy birthday vibes to be sent riiiiiigghhhhht NOW). Other than that, I went to Jaime's school this weekend. Saw some wolfs, you know, the usual. 

I know this is only, what, the fourth week of school? Yeah, fourth, but I feel like I'm not doing to hot... And I actually have a lot going on this week (2 midterms, a paper, 2 quizzes, and 13 hour of work... MAYBE I should work on those things a little..... PSH, school.

Oh, I finished my third book of the year, I'm doing good! I finished Insurgent (the second book in the Divergent Series). I mean, it's good, but I don't know, I'm not obsessed. I watched The Spectacular Now  last weekend. I thought it was good! It was very real and I liked that, I mean, as much as a teenage movie like that can be. It makes me excited for TFiOS and the Divergent movie. 

I also found some masterposts on tumblr the other day so I literally downloaded over a hundred new songs on my phone. You should look at the music on my phone now, all it is is Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, twenty one pilots, and Paramore (with a hint of We The Kings and New Politics (and Imagine Dragons (and a few other random songs from my life))). Yup. It's a little biased. 

I've also gotten into the business of gif making on tumblr. My most popular post has over 2500 notes. It was a gif set I made from a video that I took from the Painc! concert. It's kind of bad, every time a new twenty one pilots video comes out, I don't even watch it right away, I just download it so I can make gifs out of it. I mean, the one I did last time got over 2000 notes too, so you know, I'm kind of a big deal. (How do you people even deal with me...) Nah, it's just fun for me to do that. I actually really enjoy being a part of online communities like that. While part of me still considers them all as competition, it's nice to be around people who appreciate the same things as you (even if it is on the internet). Ha ha now I sound weird, but you know what, if I cared about every time I sounded weird, I would not be able to function. 

Okay, that's enough. See, this was a kind of substantial post about nothing. We're getting there Kendall...

Why This Week Was Awesome: SUN
Books Read: 3 (WOO!)
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 6
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 1 


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