Sunday, January 19, 2014

Just Lay In The Atmosphere

Hey guys!

So, it's still kind of the beginning of the year, and I started it off right by going to my first concert of the year. It was for Panic! at the Disco, a band that I've been listening to and been in love with since like 6th Grade. Their music has honestly been everything and I would love more than anything to be able to tell them that to their faces (one day!). But anyway, I already saw them once a few months ago when I went down to California. It honestly was kind of emotional for me because they mean so much to me and I saw them for the first time, however, it was kind of a manini set, but it was still amazing. But that's where this past Tuesday comes in. 

The concert itself was general admission, which means all standing, which means, if we wanted to be in the front, we had to a) get there early and b) fight. We did both. We got there four hours before the doors were supposed to open and waited in the cold. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. There were people who were there way before us, but that's okay. 

When we got in and it started it was probably the craziest/worst crowd I've ever been in. Non stop shoving and people pressed up against you from every direction. It was perfect. (Afterwards, I was completely drenched in sweat, not just mine mind you). The concert itself was perfect. Brendon Urie is a god and he is everything. It was the first show on their two and I'm pretty sure that he performed a few songs that have never been performed live. We ended up one person away from the barricade and everything was just perfect. If you want to see and understand more of what I'm talking about, here's a link to all my pictures and videos from the show

Sorry for going kind of in crazy detail of the concert. But, you know, this is my blog post, I should talk about what's important to me and concerts have become super important to me. So yup. That's gonna be a thing.

Why This Week Was Awesome: PANIC
Books Read: 2 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 4
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 1 (WOOOO!!!!)


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