Sunday, February 16, 2014

Still Alive But Barely Breathing

I had a giant bowl of salad with balsamic vinegar for lunch about three hours earlier. I got hungry again so I just finished eating a whole banana and an orange. 


I am in the middle of doing some work--presentaitons, readings, and emails (of course...)--but I figured I would take a little bit to just blog. 

This past week has been hectic because of the GK General Member Meetings that we had to plan and run. Being that we have never attended a GK Gen Mem Mtg, it was a bit tricky for me and Brandon to run one. Nevertheless, it went on much smoother than we expected and so we feel we will have a better idea of what to expect in the future.

Beside that, the Honor Society Conference also took quite a bit of my time. I was a student presenter in the conference so that meant I had to make my presentation and such and it took time and I didn't really know from what angle to present my ideas and more. Again, though, it turned out fine. I presented in front of a large audience thatn I had anticipated, and I went first out of all the student presenters, but it was all right. It was a tiring and long day with lots of running around and taking pictures and prepping things and then cleaning up after that but it was good, everything taken into account.

Also, in slightly more interested news, I've had quite a lot of retail therapy in the past few days. Like, I have been spending my money on dresses. In my defense, Forever 21 is having a dress sale....but yeah. 

OK back to work!

Risks Taken: 61
Kimchi Count: 4


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