Sunday, February 9, 2014

Best Friends Ex-Friends Till the End

Hey guys!

This week was actually really great... I think... YEAH!

I woke up super early on Friday to only realize that I didn't need to wake up super early, then fell back asleep, then woke up and screwed up my life and ended up paying a butt ton of money.... (Without context that sounds like a really exciting morning). Yesterday, I went to Red Robin. Bottomless lemonade and fries? Yes please. Then, for the first time in my year and a half of being here, it finally snowed!!! It was crazy, at least for me it was. It was so fluffy and wet and pretty and terrible all in one. I couldn't even. It honestly was pretty great. Some of it is still left outside, but it's gonna be gone soon, but that's okay!

I have a concert in two days, standard. 

I'm halfway done with this quarter already. That's crazy to me, it went by so fast. The next 5 weeks are only gonna speed by too. I have a lot planned in the coming months. It's gonna be a fun time.

OHHHHHH!!! After like, 7 or 8 months, I was finally able to finish 9 and a half seasons of Supernatural. Like, guys, it took me THAT FREAKING LONG. It was a fun time though. It sucks that it's going to be a lot more infrequent, but that's okay, I feel proud of myself for watching almost 200 episodes. Woo!

Yup, that's life.

Why This Week Was Awesome: New
Books Read: 3 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 7 (I didn't go this week...)
Airplanes Riden: 2 (Oh lawd, this is going to exponentiate quite soon)
Concerts Attended: 1 (This one too though)


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