Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bubble Farts

Hey guys!

So, I know that Jen was, you know, like, dying at stuff these past few weeks. Well, rest easy knowing that it was well worth it because today as I was walking around campus, I passed by so measly piss-poor excuse for a chalk drawing/ad for Relay on my campus. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the Relay committee here does a great job, but Jen's did it better. 

Anyway, I'M SO FREAKING JELOUS THAT JEN IS GOING TO FAIR AND I'M NOT....... But no, yeah, I'm happy that she gets to work as an alum, that's so exciting and I really want to be THERE AND ALL THE WAFFLE DOGS AND MALASADAS AND BOUNCY RACES AND LITERS OF SODA AND HEAT AND MAGIC.......... I'm good though. Ha ha ha, umm yeah, I'm glad that she will be able to enjoy it. Actually it was at fair last year that was the first time ever that I missed a BEDA. I was so mad. But, I mean, I guess it was alright because I got to drive a golf cart that day, so, you know. 

But yeah. Ummmmmmmm. I have a physics test tomorrow. Meh. Who studies? Like honestly. Especially when I could be doing something like that later. 

Also, last night, I saw that they had the giant carton thing of Goldfish in the District Market. Let me just say that I about had a heart attack in the middle of the store. Since then, I've been eating them out of a mug, because what says college YOLO like goldfish in a mug? Answer: Nothing. Guys, seriously though, life is good. 

Books Read: 4
Why Today Was Awesome: I got a free t-shirt at work today!!!!!
Song Stuck In My Head: "Losing a Future" by Alex Day


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