Sunday, April 14, 2013


Enjoy (or not) this post-Relay video of me by clicking here.

You guys know the feeling you get after having finished a total of 5 AP exams, competing at States, doing last minute senior prefecture duties, executing Small Things projects, going to Big Bro/Sis stuffs, finishing last-minute club duties, and ticking off all the items on that Huge List of Thing to-Do When You're Graduating from High School (leis, thank you notes, etc.)" that every senior has--all in one and half months? Yeah. That feeling. I know that feeling.

This feeling now is better than that feeling.

I got back to my room at around 9 in the morning today, went straight to sleep, woke up at 1pm, went back to sleep, then woke up at 4, got up at 5 to shower, went to dinner at 6 (where I kinda-sorta-but-not-really-ok-fine-there-is-some-truth-to-this ATE EVERYTHING IN SIGHT---give me a break, the last thing I ate was a piece of cake at 4am...). 

And now I am here.

I am gonna decide on a topic on my paper (due tomorrow night at midnight) and start a rough outline and then go back to sleep because, seriously, I only got 6 after 28 hours of non-stop work. Staying up late messes up your head. I don't really have a good grasp of what exactly happened in the past 28 hours--I just know that I was sad and grumpy and then kinda happy and touched and then asdkfuaslfjnsdvsjfnegjasfasf and then sad all over again all throughout. But. I mean. It was for a good cause....yeah. It was for a good cause. 

It feels like forever ago that I updated these tallies...but, really, I updated them on April 11...
Risks: 44 
Books Read: 8
Thank You Notes Written: 13 
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 16 (Surprisingly no caffeine AT ALL for Relay...I had some green tea with honey for lunch and iced coffee for dinner on Thursday. And that was it. I've been cold turkey since then. It's Sunday night WHOOOP WHOOOP.)


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