Friday, April 26, 2013

BEDA 26: SLEEP! (And A Good Day)

Hello all! Sorry about the "sleep" post last night. I just needed it. I went to be at around 9 (BEFORE 1:30AM FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS WEEK WHOOOOO!) and didn't get up until 9 this morning. Boo to the yeah guys!

Friday was one of those good days that are hard to come by. Do you guys remember that one time when I posted about a day (it was an Eat the Street Friday, I remember) when I just spent the entire day in a really good mood, humming to myself, and feeling nervous and excited like I had a date or something that I was looking forward to? It was like that again. And I don't even know why. Maybe it was because I had a cancelled class that day, I don't know, but it wasn't like one of those easy days when I had nothing due. Or maybe because it was a Friday and it was the end of a good week.

I didn't go to breakfast early at 7:30 but I still had to wake up early because I needed to finish and email an essay so I got up at 6. Then I had a quiz in my 8:30 class and then an interview after that which didn't last long so I was out by 9:45, and because my second logic class had been cancelled, I had some free time until my next class at 11:30. So I went back to the dorms, changed out of my fancy clothes, talked to my dad on the phone, practiced a little bit for an informal presentation that I had later that day, and had brunch at Gateway. Then I went to class, did my presentation, went to work, and then off to my speech class, and then work again until 4:30. But I couldn't help smiling and walking to the beat of the same song I mentioned last post (yeah, that was on repeat the entire day).

But I decided not to question it because why question a good thing right? It was a beautiful sunny and breezy day, the kind of sunny and breezy that made you wonder what good you've done to deserve such a life. It was one of those days that made you stop and remember: summer is definitely on its way, and I'm going to be ready.

I just finished planning out everything class-related in the next two weeks (both Pre-Finals and Finals), and honestly, not too bad, guys. Not too bad at all. I think I can afford another movie (I've already watched one today, plus some HIMYM episodes) before I go off to dinner later.

Tootles y'all, and have a beautiful Saturday! (Kerms, glad to hear you're happy!)

Risks: 46 
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 13 
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 25 (I am the strong one in the office what what)


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