Thursday, April 4, 2013

BEDA 4: Caffeine Withdrawals

Headache, dry mouth, crankiness, fatigue, oh my!

Pretty sure it's the caffeine withdrawals. I had no caffeine at all today because really, I told myself that I don't need it. And this is what happens. It was terrible, but I feel better now. I will try to keep this up for as long as I can, which is actually ironic because my special BEDA tally count was the number of servings of coffee and/or tea haha!

Anyway, today's highlight was basically that. It's what I was thinking about the entire day. I had a pounding headache for the entire day, my mouth was dry no matter how much water I kept drinking, I could not keep my eyes open at all in class, and I wasn't super cranky but I definitely was not Ms. Smiley Pants. My supervisor, Kim, decided to give me one of these small biscotti bites that we have on our snack shelf in the office and they have these little cappuccino bits in them when I told her that I think I am going through caffeine withdrawals. Starbucks and coffee and tea are kind of our "things" in the office, like an inside joke, but not really. I swear, biting into that piece was heaven. I had this sense of relief wash over and me and, I can't even describe it. But that convinced me that it was definitely caffeine withdrawals. Beware of drugs like caffeine kids. 

In addition, someone complimented my professionalism on the phone at work today. That made me smile. This professor at one of the departments was calling about something that our office actually doesn't even handle anymore. He wanted to speak to the secretary of the associate dean, but I had to explain to him that the position of associate dean was vacant so there was no secretary. So he asked to speak to the secretary of the dean instead and I had to explain that that position was vacant as well. Anyway, I thought it was weird that some people from other departments don't know that other people don't actually work here anymore. I mean, I get it if it's like you know separate departments like Engineering people and History people wh0 don't seem to have a reason to really contact each 0ther, but this is like not knowing your boss isn't your boss anymore until you call and they're like, "Oh they're gone." Anyway, he was like, "Whaaat? Then who helps them? No one?" and I told him that there are two students assistants who work on that side of the office and he kind of offhandedly scoffed and was like, "Pssh, what do students know?" He didn't say that per se but he might as well have. I asked to put him on hold so I can quickly get the info he needed. When I put him back on, he asked if I was a student and I told him that I was. He was super apologetic because he said he could not tell that I was a student at all, "I'm sorry, did I offend you? So sorry!" Anyway, he just said that he thought I was so professional that he didn't think I was a student...which was still not a very nice thing to say but, hey, his view's changed for the better, I hope.

Jen: Changing people's minds since 1994.

In addition to phone conversations, one of the professors in this one department called today and I was so excited because I read his book and it was amazing and, yes, I am a nerd, gimme a break!

Okay, it's 9:37pm. I have one more blog to do for class then I think I'm calling it a night. I actually had a bunch of other stuff to do but I really just need the sleep now. 

I think I take back the caffeine thing...I am pretty sure I am gonna need it tomorrow in the late afternoon. Tomorrow is the last day for all graduating grad students to turn in their theses and dissertations and I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a mad rush during the last hour because we close our counter at 4pm. And I'm the only student who works on Friday afternoons until 4:30. So it will be just me. Oh Lord...

See y'all laters! But not really, because this is the Internet.

SHOUT OUT TO OUR LOVELY AYAMIKINS! She just texted me halfway through this blog post with awesome news, and we're so proud and happy for you!

Risks: 44 
Books Read: 8
Thank You Notes Written: 13 
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 5


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