Saturday, April 6, 2013

BEDA 6: All the Movies

Hello all! 

First of all, excuse Kendall's lame post. I think given that he's had a relatively big day today, we can let it go. We hope tomorrow will be better as well Kerms!

Unlike Kendall's day, today was largely uneventful for me. I woke up and rushed over to 'Iolani with Shayne for the annual scrimmage for the States-qualified debaters. We judged two rounds and, really, it was a fun time. I just, I don't know, judging just gives me a good feeling--a mix of nostalgia and pride, because I miss speech and debate and am always in awe at how I did all of that. And of course, I am never not impressed by the students. 

Then, I got home, read a little, and then Shayne and I went to Walgreens and Walmart to figure out our costumes for Relay next weekend. 

Relay right now for me is kind of just a shopping list...there are things that I have to do, and tell/remind my committee to do, and remind other people to do. But I can't do much right now. I think I'm getting better at that, right? I used to stress so much about so many things, especially when I'm in the middle of doing other things. And Kendall used to be the one to remind me that it is extremely useless to worry about something that I can't really do anything about at the moment I'm worrying about it. Does that make sense? Like, for example, right at this very moment, past-Jen would have been really stressing out about having to put the Relay cards into the Paradise Palms napkin holders, in addition to making sure that Publicity chalks up the sidewalk, puts back the pool noodle display, ties the purple ribbons, and, I just found out that we have to set up the collection buckets as well, all on Monday morning. But, as I type this, Now-Jen still has a tiny bit of anxiety about all of it, but not as much, because I know that there really isn't anything that I can do about any of that right now. The cards are done, they've been printed and they're waiting for me to pick them up on Monday morning. Someone else will bring the buckets and the chalk. The pool noodles and the large roll of ribbon are already in my room and I just have to haul all of that to Upper Campus on Monday. If anything, all I can really do is send a couple of text messages to remind people. 

Then, after we got back from our costume hunt, I baked...well. Tried to bake biscuits. They came out okay. I am not so happy with them though. I have such a hard time baking bread. Everything else is okay--I can do cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and muffins. But scones and biscuits are trickier for me. I guess I just needs more practice. I also made gravy WHAT WHAT!

Anyway, my title is relevant today because I watched, um, three movies all throughout the day. Yeah. We watched Brave, then Up, then The Aristocats just because my mom really wanted to watch movies today and we figured we'd humor her.

Okay, I am off to do some homework while watching Chopped! Really, guys, I love Chopped so much. Also, Josh and I are waiting for 11pm to watch the new episode of Doctor Who. Woohoo leggo y'all!

Risks: 44 
Books Read: 8
Thank You Notes Written: 13 
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 7


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