Thursday, April 11, 2013

BEDA 11: Broken in So Many Ways


Let's start off with some logic--you guys know I'm taking two logic courses this semester, and I think I should give you an example of what I've been doing lately in my logic adventures, particularly those that are of the deductive nature.

The argument with the following premises and a proposed conclusion:

1. Kendall should feel loved (especially on his birthday).
2. If Kendall is one of Jen's best friends, then if she does something awesome this week that Kendall deserves (like she always does) for his birthday, then Kendall will feel loved.
3. Either Jen is really busy now or she will do something awesome that Kendall deserves.
4. Either Jen is really busy next week or she will do something awesome that Kendall deserves some other time (like maybe next week).
5. If Jen cannot do something awesome this week, then she can do something awesome some other time soon (like maybe next week).
Therefore, 6. it is NOT the case then that the following two things are true: Jen can do something awesome for Kendall's birthday this week, and, it is not the case that if she is not extremely busy next week, then she will do something awesome that Kendall deserves some other time (like maybe next week) and Kendall will still feel loved.

Here is the proof, complete with the justifications of intermediate premises and abbreviations of the implication and replacement rules used to formulate these subsequent premises:

1. L
2. K > (A > L)
3. B v A                       
4. W v S
6. ~A > S                          ~ {A ∙ ~[~W > (S ∙ L)]}
   7. ~A                                                                   ACP
        8. ~W                                                             ACP
        9. S                                                                 3, 4, MT
        10. S ∙ L                                                         1, 9 Conj
   11. ~W > (S ∙ L)                                                 8-10 CP
12. ~A > [~W > (S ∙ L)]                                       7-11 CP
13. ~ {A ∙ ~[~W > (S ∙ L)]}                                 12 DM

Well that took a while...but it makes sense! Honestly. This is legit. I did it correctly. And the indentations separate the two conditional proofs so, yes, I meant it to look like that. Solid proof bahhhh.

Let me explain what this means:

Every April is always a busy time for me especially. But I have always managed to finish your birthday adventures, Kerms, and I have always thought about this as something that makes my scavenger hunts for you that more special--because even if I didn't have time, I made time for you.

But I am slowly learning about tons of things that I need to improve about myself. I need to know when to give up. I need to know when to let things go and just respond to what the Universe throws at me. I need to understand realistically and pragmatically what it means to prioritize my responsibilities at a level I have never before experienced. I need to understand and know that the expectations of others and, more importantly, my expectations for myself, do not always align with reality.

The reality is that yesterday, my day started at 5am and "ended" when I got back to my room at around 9:30pm. The reality is that I fell asleep on the roof last night, my computer still on my lap because I had been finishing up the clues and converting URLs. The reality is that I still have a paper to write, an exam and a quiz to study for, homework problems to complete, and a speech questionnare to prepare for tomorrow. The reality is I still have donation buckets to pick up, banners to finish up, signs to make, a Mulan costume to help sew, a blonde wig and pom pom shoes to prepare, and 44 signatures to acquire, an hour to spend tabling, and arrow signs to finish. The reality is that I am now looking into and precariously hanging over the dark and cavernous maw of this weekend's Relay event where I will be working and on my toes starting from 10am on Saturday at the very latest and all the way up to 10am on Sunday at the very earliest.

The reality is that though I love you so much and am so thankful that I can call you one of my bestest friends, Kerms, I cannot finish your scavenger hunt this year on the day of your birthday. And I would like to publicly apologize not only to you, Kerms, but also to the Universe, that beautiful troll, about this. The thing that makes this all so silly, though, is that I know that this won't be a big deal for you. Like. At all. Which makes it even more imperative that I make this up to you twofold. If anything, I did just create and solve a hard logic proof for you, so that says something right?

Happy 19th, Kerms. I hope you go and spend some time lying down on the grass today, your eyes closed and your chin turned up to the sun and the clouds. Because that's what being 19 feels like to me, and I hope you get to feel that too. If you don't have time today, well, there's tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that as well. 

For all our lives, we've looked forward to 2012 and 18, constantly running and chasing after these two numbers, not really knowing what will happen after we got to both. 

I've been 19 for almost three months now, so maybe I can tell you what happens after 18: Breathless and gasping for air, we collapse onto the grass, triumphant whoops and soft laughter bubbling from our mouths because we've just arrived at a place we've been wanting to reach for so long. And we just lie there, the grass tickling our bare legs and feet, the warmth of the sun pleasing to our browned noses as we all try to catch our breath. We feel the thumping of our hearts reverberating through our bodies, in syncopation with a soft rhythm that comes from our surroundings. And...that's it. 

That's what 19 is to me--an afternoon of lying out in the sun and disappearing into what we feel, what we hear, smell, and taste--but not what we see because our eyes are closed. Despite this, all we know is that we have ahead of us a wide and vast and blue sky of possibilities.

Risks: 44 
Books Read: 8
Thank You Notes Written: 13 
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 14 (None far...I was good this morning, I went to Jamba Juice instead...)


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