Hey guys!
I hate to make a busy/not much to talk about post, but really, I have 3 midterms next week and this week wasn't really too exciting. It basically consisted of me playing Diablo, watching all the shows that are coming back, and eating. Lots of eating. Like yesterday, I went to go apply for a passport, because I don't have one, and on the way back I was like "Hmm, I'm hungry... CHIPOTLE!" Guys, I seriously have a problem.
Anyway, I also became employed this week. Which is rather exciting. More proof that the Universe is currently up to something right now and it is making me really upset.
And, of course, it was Jen's birthday this week!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! I actually had a lot of fun making her SH this year. It was different and a fun concept for me. Okay, honesty hour time. I had the general ideas of what I was going to do brewing in my head for the longest time now. And I kept telling myself that I would work on it. I even had a post it that said "JEN!" on it. But, it wasn't until Tuesday night at like 11:00 till I realized that I hadn't even started working on it. Therefore, my first late night of college. (Actually, my second. The first was for NaNoWriMo.) I find it interesting how I stay up late in college for not school, but the cooler, more important things. Psh, what even is college?
Okay, I'm off to work on math homework so that I can go play more video games... Honestly guys, what is even wrong with me right now.
Books Read: 0 (I'm almost there you guys, don't worry...)
Why This Week Was Awesome: Honestly Universe, what are you even doing with your life right now???
Song Stuck in My Head: Meh
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Nineteen Feels No Different!
I had a profound thought earlier this week, sometime between now and Wednesday, and I remember thinking to myself, "This is going to be a blog post, I can feel it." I also remember thinking, "Maybe I should write this down, I might forget it. NAH, I am sure I won't."
You would think that I would have learned this lesson by now, especially because there are times when I tell others this all the time: When a "metaphorical football hits you on the head" (#thisquote, courtesy of Kendall), WRITE IT DOWN! Like they say, the strongest memory is weaker than the palest ink.
I didn't write my idea down and so, here we are: Me, ramble-typing in attempt to salvage this already-lame blog post from being even more lame, and you, looking at the computer screen, the sheen of disappointment clear in your eyes, thinking to yourself, "Why do I even bother reading this blog?" And for that I apologize. And for this, I am going to have to revert to my ordinary "Recap of the Week" angle from which I seem to use most of the time, anyway.
1) No School Monday
Daisy and I made sure to finish most, if not all, of our homework by Monday night so that we could have a Sherlock + Hot Chocolate Night. I'd say it was a success. We limited ourselves to the first episode only because, like, we wanted to sleep and stuff. Needless to say, we both had feels--I was excited, of course, because it's been a while since I'd seen the first episode of the first season, and Daisy was excited as well, but she was also very inquisitive. She questioned lots of things, including Sherlock's common sense (and sexuality, of course, but then again, who wouldn't?). This was also the night that Daisy gave me my birthday gift because she had to leave the following night and so she wasn't gonna see me on the actual day. She got me two posters--the OKAY watercolor one and the KEEP CALM and DFTBA one. And they were both autographed! She also bought the INFINITY one for herself just because she is currently in calc and it makes perfect sense to her in a math sense. Plus, it was blue, her favorite color. Yep. MY ROOMMATE IS BETTER THAN ALL YOURS!
2) Long Day Tuesday
Tuesdays tire me more than usual. But then again, I shouldn't complain because while I have class all the way until 5:30, Aid has class until 8 on some days. Rebecca goes up to 7:30 on Wednesdays! Anyway, my highlight of Long Day Tuesday is easily running into Barnesie on campus. Enough said!
3) Birthday Wednesday
This was a very different birthday in many ways. For example, it didn't feel like a big deal because 19 doesn't seem like a very big deal in the first place. It's kind of the same thing that Kendall said about 2013 in general. All our lives, we had been waiting for 2012 to come; as a result, all other years after 2012 just seem so impossible to me. They do not exist in the same way that the years leading up to 2012 do, and they definitely do not feel at all like 2012 itself. I mean, what is this? There are years after 2013? What even is that about? I can't wait until 21 though...that's the next big one. It was filled with lots of food, cute texts, flowers, an AWESOME NEW SHERLOCK CASE, and a giant cake on my dorm room door courtesy of Rebecca (91 years old!). I also had my very first graded speech in speech class today. I talked about risk-taking, of course, but I think I could have made the speech more about the audience rather than myself--notes to future self!
4) Almost There Thursday
Thursday won and I lost badly. It was just one of those days that take you down and keep you down and all you can really do is close your eyes, hold your breath, and hope that it ends soon.
5) Oh Yeah Friday
YESSS FOR FRIDAYSSSS. I was up until late editing a video (more on that later) which was crazy fun. When I got my new laptop, PowerDirector 10 was already installed on it so I decided to check it out and I love just trying things out and seeing what buttons do and gahhh. I feel like a kid in front of it. It makes me want to vlog more. It is almost midnight and I want to edit videos right now but there are no videos to edit and it makes me feel inept. WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?
6) Lounge Day/Parents' Birthdays Saturday (a.k.a. "today")
Today was my parents' birthdays! Yes, both of them, and yes, it's cute, I know. We had lots of food today, though I only really baked scones in the morning for breakfast. The rest were all Shayne's tasty concoctions! She wouldn't let me help so I lounged today and helped my mom lounge too. I kept track of the Gigi-Darcy-Lizzie outing through Twitter (so excited for Monday), surfed YouTube, uploaded the video I edited the night before (which took forevs), watched Tangled, Pride and Prejudice, snippets of the 1995 version of P&P, Emma, Mansfield Park, and Sense and Sensibility in honor of P&P turning 200 this weekend. WOOHOOO AUSTENETTES (I don't think that's the correct term but oh well).
So on to the video talk! Kendall made a video for my birthday in which he 1) greeted my a happy birthday and 2) introduced this year's traditional birthday scavenger hunt! Because there are 2,679 miles between us, a normal scavenger hunt would have been quite difficult, so this year's birthday scavenger hunt is completely on the Internet! My first clue in that first video was "PIZZA" and I have actually found the next video containing my next clue but have not watched it yet. I will though. I am excited, as you can tell. Yay bestfriendships! Best friends are like drug dealers except instead of drugs, they give you things that you like, such as experiences, and instead of giving them money, you give them appreciation, compliments, free food (if available and possible), and also, more experiences. It's a good way to get your fix of nerdy awesomeness--at least in my case anyway.
So yes, all that happened.
I am off to watch two more movies because I don't want this night to end because it would mean I have to go to sleep and then wake up some five hours later only to start on homework and answer emails (seriously, half of my life now is just me sending and replying to emails, it's not even funny anymore) so I am just going to watch movies and pretend like the night is nowhere near the end and maybe I can stop time and it will work this time not like those other times when I tried to use my magical skills to pause time just so that I could breathe but I failed miserably and then I was sad.
P.S. My favorite part of the entire Pitch Perfect soundtrack is 1:43-2:05 of the Treblemakers' final performance. And I don't even understand why because I usually don't listen to this kind of music, but Utkarsh Ambudkar's voice is sex. There, I said it. I can feel you judging me now...
Risks: 38
Books Read: 7 (srsly guise wat even is dis i h8 mahselff grr)
Thank You Notes Written: 8
Books Read: 7 (srsly guise wat even is dis i h8 mahselff grr)
Thank You Notes Written: 8
Sunday, January 20, 2013
I'm Batman
.... hey guys ......
My life is a shame. STUPID iPHONES NOT ACTUALLY REMINDING ME WHEN I SET REMINDERS I HATE LIFE BECAUSE IT IS THE WORST......But really, I wanna die. Thanks Kenny for reminding me 18 MINUTES AFTER THE FACT!!!!!
Anyway, this week was cool, right? Umm, second week of school, fun times and all. On Tuesday there was free hot chocolate in our dorm and it was da bomb. On Thursday, I had an interview for a job on campus, which was fine and all, but it was kind of cray beforehand. I was walking over to the building where it was taking place and then I just pulled on my sleeve because it's balls cold outside. Anyway, I accidentally pulled on my bracelet that Rebecca made for me this summer and it finally broke. Like, guys, it BROKE. .... You guys think I'm weird, but really, like, what?!?!?! I can't.
Yeah, so, this Friday, Rebecca came for the three day weekend. So of course Jaime had to come too. BLEH. She made me watch Peter Pan, The Lucky One, and A Walk To Remember. It was terrible. Feels there. Yeah, there was also a ridiculous amount of noms, fish, cray times, cake jars, and cold. Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm tired and distraught at the fact that I failed once again.
So yeah, that's my life. In a box. I'll get back to you guys next week. Maybe I'll even talk about something good? Ha ha psych. My life isn't interesting. Seriously, why are you even reading this?
Books Read: 0
Why This Week Was Awesome: I HAD A MOMENT
Song Stuck in My Head: "Little Things" by One Direction
My life is a shame. STUPID iPHONES NOT ACTUALLY REMINDING ME WHEN I SET REMINDERS I HATE LIFE BECAUSE IT IS THE WORST......But really, I wanna die. Thanks Kenny for reminding me 18 MINUTES AFTER THE FACT!!!!!
Anyway, this week was cool, right? Umm, second week of school, fun times and all. On Tuesday there was free hot chocolate in our dorm and it was da bomb. On Thursday, I had an interview for a job on campus, which was fine and all, but it was kind of cray beforehand. I was walking over to the building where it was taking place and then I just pulled on my sleeve because it's balls cold outside. Anyway, I accidentally pulled on my bracelet that Rebecca made for me this summer and it finally broke. Like, guys, it BROKE. .... You guys think I'm weird, but really, like, what?!?!?! I can't.
Yeah, so, this Friday, Rebecca came for the three day weekend. So of course Jaime had to come too. BLEH. She made me watch Peter Pan, The Lucky One, and A Walk To Remember. It was terrible. Feels there. Yeah, there was also a ridiculous amount of noms, fish, cray times, cake jars, and cold. Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm tired and distraught at the fact that I failed once again.
So yeah, that's my life. In a box. I'll get back to you guys next week. Maybe I'll even talk about something good? Ha ha psych. My life isn't interesting. Seriously, why are you even reading this?
Books Read: 0
Why This Week Was Awesome: I HAD A MOMENT
Song Stuck in My Head: "Little Things" by One Direction
Enjoy these random tags:
stupid nicholas sparks
Saturday, January 19, 2013
The Graphing Calculator Guy
Our blog titles would be such a good way to keep track of our lives. Like, all you'd have to do is look at the list of blog titles under a specific year and BOOM. Story of 2012! But no. Our titles rarely have anything to do with what we talk about in the blog text. But I guess that just reflects how random we are? Yeps.
Unfortunately, I am still sick and coughing up gross stuff and hacking my throat and abdominal area to death. *sigh* Such is my life. Another productive (and sickly) week of college-ing, Relay for Life Kick-Offing, and more! It's been another busy week and I feel great (well, save for the need for antibiotics). I wouldn't say that I did not waste any time at all this week because I definitely spent some time doing things beside being in class, working, eating, using the bathroom, and sleeping.
For example, I watched the Evening of Awesome livestream! Except I watched it hours after the livestream so it wasn't, um, live, anymore. It was amazing. It gave me goosebumps and tears. Good feels!
Thursday night was Kick-Off night! And it was also the night I got the least amount of sleep. I woke up Thursday morning at 6 because we had to tie purple ribbons around trees and line the fountain circle with luminaria bags and set up signs and stuff on campus. Then I was running around all day from class to work then back to class and then work again and then back to the dorms to freshen up and then met with Shayne at Starbucks before heading to the courtyard where we were having the event to set up and then a bunch of event stuff happened after that. I helped serve some delicious food, got asked questions, and listened to some reggae music that I actually kinda enjoyed (blasphemous!). Oh and got accosted by drunk college guys who wanted free food. This is what happens when you have an event next to the campus bar haha, but it was good. It was stressful and a lot of work but it was also crazy fun. And successful! Yay Relay! I can now take a whole week off away from Relay and just catch up with my life and stuff. Except not really because we still have two days of tabling next week for the Student Involvement fair...and meetings with people and emails to write and send and people to call and stuff...
Anyway, that night I got back to the dorms at around 10, bothered Rebecca for an hour, then did homework on the roof until, like, 2, said goodbye to Rebecca and went back to my room, only to go back on the roof to watch WongFu Productions videos until 4:30 in the morning because I couldn't sleep. I had black tea during the event. Venti.
Last night I watched Pitch Perfect with Daisy at Campus Center. It was hilarious and I wanna watch it again. Also, I saw Steven Yee! That was nice.
My dad is still on his trip, Josh is on the Big Island until Sunday, and Shayne is over at North Shore for the weekend so it's just me and my Mom. But my Mom was out of the house for most of the morning. So just me, really. But it's ok! I am taking the day off. I don't consider blogging as "work" so no worries. I am just gonna watch some movies (I started a Molly Ringwald marathon last night and now I am feeling a Tom Hanks marathon itch coming on...), read a little, have some more ginger tea, make some mochi and pad thai later (I miss cooking and baking a lot), and whatever else I can think of.
Then I have to do homework. But that's tomorrow. And Monday night is Sherlock + Hot Chocolate Night whoo!
Risks: 38
Books Read Since Graduation: 7 (<< this number is so embarrassing)
Thank You Notes Written: 6
Unfortunately, I am still sick and coughing up gross stuff and hacking my throat and abdominal area to death. *sigh* Such is my life. Another productive (and sickly) week of college-ing, Relay for Life Kick-Offing, and more! It's been another busy week and I feel great (well, save for the need for antibiotics). I wouldn't say that I did not waste any time at all this week because I definitely spent some time doing things beside being in class, working, eating, using the bathroom, and sleeping.
For example, I watched the Evening of Awesome livestream! Except I watched it hours after the livestream so it wasn't, um, live, anymore. It was amazing. It gave me goosebumps and tears. Good feels!
Thursday night was Kick-Off night! And it was also the night I got the least amount of sleep. I woke up Thursday morning at 6 because we had to tie purple ribbons around trees and line the fountain circle with luminaria bags and set up signs and stuff on campus. Then I was running around all day from class to work then back to class and then work again and then back to the dorms to freshen up and then met with Shayne at Starbucks before heading to the courtyard where we were having the event to set up and then a bunch of event stuff happened after that. I helped serve some delicious food, got asked questions, and listened to some reggae music that I actually kinda enjoyed (blasphemous!). Oh and got accosted by drunk college guys who wanted free food. This is what happens when you have an event next to the campus bar haha, but it was good. It was stressful and a lot of work but it was also crazy fun. And successful! Yay Relay! I can now take a whole week off away from Relay and just catch up with my life and stuff. Except not really because we still have two days of tabling next week for the Student Involvement fair...and meetings with people and emails to write and send and people to call and stuff...
Anyway, that night I got back to the dorms at around 10, bothered Rebecca for an hour, then did homework on the roof until, like, 2, said goodbye to Rebecca and went back to my room, only to go back on the roof to watch WongFu Productions videos until 4:30 in the morning because I couldn't sleep. I had black tea during the event. Venti.
Last night I watched Pitch Perfect with Daisy at Campus Center. It was hilarious and I wanna watch it again. Also, I saw Steven Yee! That was nice.
My dad is still on his trip, Josh is on the Big Island until Sunday, and Shayne is over at North Shore for the weekend so it's just me and my Mom. But my Mom was out of the house for most of the morning. So just me, really. But it's ok! I am taking the day off. I don't consider blogging as "work" so no worries. I am just gonna watch some movies (I started a Molly Ringwald marathon last night and now I am feeling a Tom Hanks marathon itch coming on...), read a little, have some more ginger tea, make some mochi and pad thai later (I miss cooking and baking a lot), and whatever else I can think of.
Then I have to do homework. But that's tomorrow. And Monday night is Sherlock + Hot Chocolate Night whoo!
Risks: 38
Books Read Since Graduation: 7 (<< this number is so embarrassing)
Thank You Notes Written: 6
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Would You Rather?
Hey guys!!!!
New year, new bloggy fun times!!!!!! (Kind of...) My week was nowhere near as busy or exciting as Jen's was, unfortunately. Honestly, what am I even doing with my life?
Whale, this week started a new quarter, which meant new classes. I'm taking the next math and chem classes in the series, so that's the same as last quarter. I'm taking an econ class, which is meh. It's fine I guess, I just hate how the professor makes us watch these hour and a half lectures before the actual lectures. It's silly. Last, I have a volcano class!!! It's about volcanos and it seems like an all around fun time.
It's kind of interesting to have new classes in new classrooms because that means becoming a new kid all over again because you have to find all these weird and crazy buildings and classrooms that are in hiding. Like, honestly, I don't even know half of the buildings here yet, there are just way too many.
I plan on making Cake Jars soon. Cake. In a jar. Like, what?
Oh, I didn't mention this in our last post because I didn't have access to it, but I'm gonna give you guys a little book recap of 2012! In 2012, I read a total of 17 books, coming out to 5752 pages total. It's a little weak compared to the 27 books last year (and 12,189 pages), but that just gives me more reason to try harder this year. I'm working towards finishing "Game of Thrones" right now and then I have about a billion books to read after that.
Also, last night, I saw "Silver linings Playbook". Guys. Like, guys. I mean, it doesn't help that I have a dying love for Jennifer Lawrence, but seriously, it was so freaking amazing. I couldn't. I still can't. What is life?
Oh, and lastly! A new thing that I'm trying out this year is taking a calendar and writing down what I did everyday this year. I mean, it's kind of like the whole "Why Today Was Awesome" thing, which I tried and failed at, but a little more broad. The purpose for it for me is to be able to actually REMEMBER what I did each day, because let me tell you, on one too many occasions, I saw a old picture on facebook of myself and could not remember when that picture was taken or what the circumstances around it were. Its like a journal, but condensed. I don't know, I'll let you know how it goes.
Okay, I have some homework to work on, so that's it for this week. I feel kind of distant from you guys. It makes me excited for April. BAI!!!
Books Read: 0 (Startin' fresh!!!)
Free Meals: (I think I'm getting rid of this one due to the severe lack of free meals in college, sorry guys...)
Why This Week Was Awesome: New Quarter!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Don't You Worry Child" by Swedish House Mafia & "Kiss You" by One Direction.... STOP THE JUDGEMENT! (Psych, I don't care...)
New year, new bloggy fun times!!!!!! (Kind of...) My week was nowhere near as busy or exciting as Jen's was, unfortunately. Honestly, what am I even doing with my life?
Whale, this week started a new quarter, which meant new classes. I'm taking the next math and chem classes in the series, so that's the same as last quarter. I'm taking an econ class, which is meh. It's fine I guess, I just hate how the professor makes us watch these hour and a half lectures before the actual lectures. It's silly. Last, I have a volcano class!!! It's about volcanos and it seems like an all around fun time.
It's kind of interesting to have new classes in new classrooms because that means becoming a new kid all over again because you have to find all these weird and crazy buildings and classrooms that are in hiding. Like, honestly, I don't even know half of the buildings here yet, there are just way too many.
I plan on making Cake Jars soon. Cake. In a jar. Like, what?
Oh, I didn't mention this in our last post because I didn't have access to it, but I'm gonna give you guys a little book recap of 2012! In 2012, I read a total of 17 books, coming out to 5752 pages total. It's a little weak compared to the 27 books last year (and 12,189 pages), but that just gives me more reason to try harder this year. I'm working towards finishing "Game of Thrones" right now and then I have about a billion books to read after that.
Also, last night, I saw "Silver linings Playbook". Guys. Like, guys. I mean, it doesn't help that I have a dying love for Jennifer Lawrence, but seriously, it was so freaking amazing. I couldn't. I still can't. What is life?
Oh, and lastly! A new thing that I'm trying out this year is taking a calendar and writing down what I did everyday this year. I mean, it's kind of like the whole "Why Today Was Awesome" thing, which I tried and failed at, but a little more broad. The purpose for it for me is to be able to actually REMEMBER what I did each day, because let me tell you, on one too many occasions, I saw a old picture on facebook of myself and could not remember when that picture was taken or what the circumstances around it were. Its like a journal, but condensed. I don't know, I'll let you know how it goes.
Okay, I have some homework to work on, so that's it for this week. I feel kind of distant from you guys. It makes me excited for April. BAI!!!
Books Read: 0 (Startin' fresh!!!)
Free Meals: (I think I'm getting rid of this one due to the severe lack of free meals in college, sorry guys...)
Why This Week Was Awesome: New Quarter!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Don't You Worry Child" by Swedish House Mafia & "Kiss You" by One Direction.... STOP THE JUDGEMENT! (Psych, I don't care...)
So Much UMs!
I hope that you all had as productive a week as I did. It was the first week of the semester so it was crazy. I don't have my schedule memorized yet and this schedule is harder than my first semester's. I end at 4:30 every day, except on Tuesdays when I end at 5:30 (I have a two and a half hour long class....*sigh* Seminar courses. Typical.) I had meetings left and right all week because we are frantically getting ready for our Relay for Life Kick-Off so I actually only had dinner at the dining hall ONCE and that was on Monday night. BLEH.
The thing that I am being strict about though is my sleeping. I told myself I wouldn't go past midnight because I wake up at 6:30 every morning so if I go past 12, that is entering the 6-hours-only danger zone. The earliest I went to sleep was 9 and the latest, I think, 11:30. Yay for sleep! But despite my efforts at getting as much rest as possible because my schedule is more taxing now, I got sick. Yeahhh. I am currently an incubus of germs, coughing all over the place (except, not really, I carry a hanky and wash my hands constantly). I had a fever on Friday night but that went away overnight, thankfully. At this point thought, I am trying to make sure that this doesn't get any worse. I think I am getting better so lots of water, more medicine, more sleep, and crossed fingers should hopefully do the trick. I do sound like a bullfrog right now though. Attractive.
This weekend has been crazy busy, too, and that is again because of our Kick-Off event this Thursday. Planning an event with so many people can be pretty complicated. There are so many details to go over and finalize and then some fall through or cancel on us or tell us we can't serve free or cheaper food and what if it rains and gah. And then comes my committee's main job: publicizing it so people actually show up. So a lot of my weekend has been revising posters, preparing for our huge campus displays this week, and updating Facebook. Yep. Through it all, it is easy to forget why we are even putting ourselves through this.
But yesterday thankfully brought me back to the right place. I was at the Hilton from 8 in the morning and I didn't get back home until 5 in the afternoon. Although it was a long day, it was also a good day. It was the Hawaii Pacific Region Summit for Relay for Life so a bunch of people from all over the state and Guam got together to share ideas and basically get everyone pumped up for the Kick-Off season. These people were cancer survivors, caregivers, touched by cancer in some way. And all of us there were involved in planning our respective Relay events. It's one of those things that give me legit chicken skin and just inspire me to work harder and do everything I can to get rid of worldsuck. But at the same time it made me cry because I sometimes can't grapple with the fact that there is so much sadness in this world when there simply shouldn't be. And it made me cry because there are so many inspiring and good people around the world who believe in this sort of thing and I feel so lucky and blessed to be working with them. The best part about it is that although it gave me all of these crying feelings, the most prominent one was this sense of hope, which is basically Relay for Life's main message. Hope is what we hold on to because sometimes it is all we have. And one of the things that we all emphasized at the summit is that "Hope give and hope received illuminates the darkness."
So my week has been crazy busy and emotional, but thinking about it, I am kinda glad. I think I missed being really busy like this. When I was thinking about it yesterday, I realized that I really did not waste any of my time at all this week. (Well, I spent about two hours before bed watching YouTube videos but that was because I couldn't sleep or turn on the lights, and hey, those LBD videos are getting better and better man so what can I say?) I feel like I was doing something worthwhile with all of my time and I like that. I am glad.
I said in the last post that I feel that 2013 will be a year of good for me. Whether that means that I will do lots of good things or I will feel good about myself, I don't know, but right now, I think it's both. Let's keep this up, Life!
Risks: 38
Books Read Since Graduation: 7 (Finished Let It Snow and now I gotta finish Dash & Lily again (but I won't count it) before I start read-editing Kendall's NEW BOOK!)
Thank You Notes Written: 3
I hope that you all had as productive a week as I did. It was the first week of the semester so it was crazy. I don't have my schedule memorized yet and this schedule is harder than my first semester's. I end at 4:30 every day, except on Tuesdays when I end at 5:30 (I have a two and a half hour long class....*sigh* Seminar courses. Typical.) I had meetings left and right all week because we are frantically getting ready for our Relay for Life Kick-Off so I actually only had dinner at the dining hall ONCE and that was on Monday night. BLEH.
The thing that I am being strict about though is my sleeping. I told myself I wouldn't go past midnight because I wake up at 6:30 every morning so if I go past 12, that is entering the 6-hours-only danger zone. The earliest I went to sleep was 9 and the latest, I think, 11:30. Yay for sleep! But despite my efforts at getting as much rest as possible because my schedule is more taxing now, I got sick. Yeahhh. I am currently an incubus of germs, coughing all over the place (except, not really, I carry a hanky and wash my hands constantly). I had a fever on Friday night but that went away overnight, thankfully. At this point thought, I am trying to make sure that this doesn't get any worse. I think I am getting better so lots of water, more medicine, more sleep, and crossed fingers should hopefully do the trick. I do sound like a bullfrog right now though. Attractive.
This weekend has been crazy busy, too, and that is again because of our Kick-Off event this Thursday. Planning an event with so many people can be pretty complicated. There are so many details to go over and finalize and then some fall through or cancel on us or tell us we can't serve free or cheaper food and what if it rains and gah. And then comes my committee's main job: publicizing it so people actually show up. So a lot of my weekend has been revising posters, preparing for our huge campus displays this week, and updating Facebook. Yep. Through it all, it is easy to forget why we are even putting ourselves through this.
But yesterday thankfully brought me back to the right place. I was at the Hilton from 8 in the morning and I didn't get back home until 5 in the afternoon. Although it was a long day, it was also a good day. It was the Hawaii Pacific Region Summit for Relay for Life so a bunch of people from all over the state and Guam got together to share ideas and basically get everyone pumped up for the Kick-Off season. These people were cancer survivors, caregivers, touched by cancer in some way. And all of us there were involved in planning our respective Relay events. It's one of those things that give me legit chicken skin and just inspire me to work harder and do everything I can to get rid of worldsuck. But at the same time it made me cry because I sometimes can't grapple with the fact that there is so much sadness in this world when there simply shouldn't be. And it made me cry because there are so many inspiring and good people around the world who believe in this sort of thing and I feel so lucky and blessed to be working with them. The best part about it is that although it gave me all of these crying feelings, the most prominent one was this sense of hope, which is basically Relay for Life's main message. Hope is what we hold on to because sometimes it is all we have. And one of the things that we all emphasized at the summit is that "Hope give and hope received illuminates the darkness."
So my week has been crazy busy and emotional, but thinking about it, I am kinda glad. I think I missed being really busy like this. When I was thinking about it yesterday, I realized that I really did not waste any of my time at all this week. (Well, I spent about two hours before bed watching YouTube videos but that was because I couldn't sleep or turn on the lights, and hey, those LBD videos are getting better and better man so what can I say?) I feel like I was doing something worthwhile with all of my time and I like that. I am glad.
I said in the last post that I feel that 2013 will be a year of good for me. Whether that means that I will do lots of good things or I will feel good about myself, I don't know, but right now, I think it's both. Let's keep this up, Life!
Risks: 38
Books Read Since Graduation: 7 (Finished Let It Snow and now I gotta finish Dash & Lily again (but I won't count it) before I start read-editing Kendall's NEW BOOK!)
Thank You Notes Written: 3
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Let's start off the new year with a together post. Here is the annual recap of the previous year!
Things from The List Completed in 2012
P4A 2012 (For the video: littlethings and for more info on the charity: somelittlethings.org)
BEDA(ugust) and BEDA(pril) 2012! (Jen's first ever LEGIT YEAR of BEDA!)
Jollibee! (Right before Kendall left for college!)
Positive Pranking! (We went up in Manoa for a project with Barnesie! Check out the video of our adventure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEJYveUp-MU
Play ding-dong ditch (Also a part of the Positive Pranking with Barnesie!)
Go to the school chapel lanai at night (umm take some pictures for evidence...) (Fair Weekend!)
Share a grapefruit for breakfast (It was a part of one of Kendall's Gifts)
29 Gifts Challenge - February 2012 (And blogged everyday of it!) (http://dft.ba/-29giftschallengeinfo)
Things We Added to The List in 2012
Ooh, I didn't even notice that. We didn't add anything!
Things that Never Happened...Until 2012 Happened
Getting accepted into college!
Actually going to college!
We're, like, alumni now...MORE Tumblr addiction (da feels)
SPO Fun and Awesomeness
NaNoWriMO Vlogs (Click here for the playlist of all our awkward vlogs...)
Nerdfighter-ish Things from 2012
Project 4 Awesome 2012 (Success! Way more legit this year than years prior!)
NaNoWriMo 2012 (Fail for Jen! Again...but NOT REALLY! Success for Kendall (but not really)!)
BEDAs 2012 (Fail for Kendall! The first time ever. Success for Jen! Also the first time ever!)
The Fault in Our Stars
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
2012 Was the Year Of...
The supposed apocalypse
Lots of YOLOing
More sleep then ever had before!
cold.... so. freaking. cold.
This year, we got a total of 21,240 page views out of our total 36,773 page views. And while 98% of those are probably from Jen and myself, it is still pretty freaking awesome.
Things from The List Completed in 2012
P4A 2012 (For the video: littlethings and for more info on the charity: somelittlethings.org)
BEDA(ugust) and BEDA(pril) 2012! (Jen's first ever LEGIT YEAR of BEDA!)
Jollibee! (Right before Kendall left for college!)
Positive Pranking! (We went up in Manoa for a project with Barnesie! Check out the video of our adventure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEJYveUp-MU
Play ding-dong ditch (Also a part of the Positive Pranking with Barnesie!)
Go to the school chapel lanai at night (umm take some pictures for evidence...) (Fair Weekend!)
Share a grapefruit for breakfast (It was a part of one of Kendall's Gifts)
29 Gifts Challenge - February 2012 (And blogged everyday of it!) (http://dft.ba/-29giftschallengeinfo)
Things We Added to The List in 2012
Ooh, I didn't even notice that. We didn't add anything!
Things that Never Happened...Until 2012 Happened
Getting accepted into college!
Actually going to college!
We're, like, alumni now...MORE Tumblr addiction (da feels)
SPO Fun and Awesomeness
NaNoWriMO Vlogs (Click here for the playlist of all our awkward vlogs...)
Nerdfighter-ish Things from 2012
Project 4 Awesome 2012 (Success! Way more legit this year than years prior!)
NaNoWriMo 2012 (Fail for Jen! Again...but NOT REALLY! Success for Kendall (but not really)!)
BEDAs 2012 (Fail for Kendall! The first time ever. Success for Jen! Also the first time ever!)
The Fault in Our Stars
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
2012 Was the Year Of...
The supposed apocalypse
Lots of YOLOing
More sleep then ever had before!
cold.... so. freaking. cold.
This year, we got a total of 21,240 page views out of our total 36,773 page views. And while 98% of those are probably from Jen and myself, it is still pretty freaking awesome.
Despite the fact that the first three days of the year have been rainy days (it's POURING!), I think this is going to be a year of good (I hope it's going to be a "good year" but I just know that this will be a "year of good"--I can feel it.) I feel apprehensive toward 2013, which is different from other years, but I also feel determined. Things are going to happen guys. I have lots of resolutions. There is the obligatory "Work on becoming healthier" that I actually want to attain but there are also more things, things that I want to change based on what happened this past semester, projects that I want to do, etc.
2013 doesn't make much sense to me. I mean, for most of our lives, we had been looking forward to 2012. It was the year that we were supposed to graduate. The year we turned 18. The year the world was supposed to end! It was as if a spotlight was lit on 2012 focusing all attention to itself, but once 2012 was gone, our eyes had to adjust to the poorly-lit, sad excuse of a 2013. Like, it doesn't make sense to me that our lives are continuing. I spent so much time thinking about graduating and getting into college, that now I'm in college, it all feels surreal. But by no means does that mean 2013 will be a bad year. Yes, 2012 was freaking awesome, but that just means we have to make 2013 even more awesome. Recently, I've been thinking a lot about the future and how it actually exists and how one day we will be real adults with, you know, normal job/family lives. Like, we will BECOME our parents one day... What? But for now, we are here. I know YOLO is really stupid. It doesn't make grammatical sense, it's super overused, and the song is dumb also, but, for some reason, it has stuck with me. I'm not saying you should go out and do meth because YOLO, but, seriously guys, WE ONLY LIVE ONCE! It all comes back to Jen's ideas about risk taking. Yes, risks should have some kind of positive reward in the end, they should be calculated, but you have to take them. You have to YOLO. We are only going to live 2013 once and I want to make it the best (healthiest, studious, funniest, nosiest) 2013 ever. And hopefully, we'll be able to bring you along for the ride.
As always, thanks for being our friends. Don't forget to be awesome everyone!
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a very potter musical
beda 2011
first day of school
harry potter
hermione can't draw to save her life or harry's for that matter
im a bird mother f*bleep* im a bird
lets go outside
math not even once
mayflower goal
my attempt at being deep/vlogbrothersy
new rules
paper towns
short short
summer blah
summer reading
the hunger games