Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Revenge of the Tiny Chickens

Hey guys!

Guess what? Guess what could possibly going on in my life right now..... Yup. I'm sick..... It's almost as if I have a tiny chicken magnet in my brain, and it's just asking for more tiny chickens to lay their stupid little eggs.... Whale, at least I feel better right now. Last night, it was kind of really bad. Especially since I was staying with Jaime this weekend, but once I started getting sick, I decided to book it early, so I took a 2 and a half hour, sickly bus ride. Fun times. 

Anyway, yeah, this week was just another week of school. I mean, it feels kind of weird, like I've been here for forever already, but like, this was only the second week of school. Weird. I still have an extremely stupid paper to write for english. I hate my english class, the teacher is stupid and we read the most ridiculous things that make no sense whatsoever. I hate it. I don't care if I get a bad grade in that class because I'm in college to learn about engineering and such, not to read articles about violence and capitalism that make literally no sense. Blegh!!!! Sorry, I have a lot of angst in my soul.

Anyway, yeah, nothing to extraordinary has happened. I finally finished with How I Met Your Mother this week. I was literally watching like 10 episodes a night. Shows how much free time I have in college...

Okay, yeah, I have to go write the stupid paper. Kay, shooooooots!!!

Books Read: 10 (Soon man, soon...)
Free Meals: 45
Why This Week Was Awesome: 162!!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "You're Gonna Miss Me"...


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