Sunday, October 28, 2012

Life of the Party

Hey guys! 

This week was cool and stuff, right? Yeah, it was. I found out that the poster that I thought was accidentally mailed to me was actually bought by Jen. Therefore, I ended up getting both posters, Wheeeew! 

Then, on Friday, we had our big surprise for Gavin because Rebecca flew in on Friday night. It worked out pretty well I thought. What happened was, on Friday, I went with Gavin to archery to spy on him kind of. Even though, I ended up being able to shoot for like two hours and it was a lot of fun. The reason I wanted to spy on him was because there was a chance that he would go out with the archery people after. So after that, my aunt came and picked me up and we got Rebecca from the airport at like 11 at night. 

By the time we got back to my dorm, we were talking with Gavin's roommate to figure out if was in his dorm yet or not, but he wasn't. So we ended up having to wait like an hour and a half at my dorm, until Gavin finally got back to his. Once he did, I texted him saying that I got this package on accident and that it was actually for him. I told him that I was going to bring it to him right away because he really needed to see what was inside of it. 

So we trekked over to his dorm and the put Rebecca in a box. It was sufficiently awkward and hilarious, especially when I taped the box up with Rebecca in it and then walked away to go grab her bags, then this guy came up to the box and was like "Are you okay?"

After that, I got Gavin to come downstairs and look at the box. I tried to get him to open it then and there, but he said he wanted to open it in his room. So he dragged the box to the elevator, down the hall, and into his room, all while Rebecca was in the box. I then gave Gavin a letter that came with the box, so he spent some time reading that. This whole thing took about 10-15 minutes, all while she was in the box. When he finally went down to open it, Rebecca burst out for air, dying of heat from inside the box. 

Overall, it went really well, Gavin was surprised and happy, and it was fun times. Then on Saturday, we made some lemon bars and then went downtown to go to the Boys Like Girls/All American Rejects concert. Unfortunately, I thought it was in the wrong place, so we ended up having to walk a mile and a half in the cold and rain to get to the actual place where the concert was, but that's okay.

We met up with Jaime there and went in. This was my first concert, so that was exciting and stuff. It was crazy though. So hot and sweaty, and people pushing and shoving their way to the front. We actually got really close up, like 2 or 3 people away from the front. The entire time, fending of drugged up people who were just flailing around all over the place. I really really enjoyed the Boys Like Girls set. I thought, overall that it was a lot better. The All American Rejects one was just kind of all over the place. But that's probably just cause I didn't like their lead singer that much. 

But yeah, in the end, everything was awesome. Gavin and Rebecca had to wake up at 5:30 this morning to get to the airport, and Rebecca fortunately got on a flight. So yeah, good weekend. 

Books Read: 11
Free Meals: 47
Why This Week Was Awesome: Family Reunion 
Song Stuck in My Head: Boys Like Girls songs, basically 


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