Monday, October 22, 2012

So Much Shame In My Soul

Oh..... Hey guys............

I'M SORRY!!!!!!! I can't believe I forgot AGAIN!!!!!! I remembered to blog yesterday too!!! But I got super busy, so I guess I'll tell you about that now:

This week was pretty cool and fun and stuff. It started with on Tuesday Gavin and I went to a pre-engineering advisor to talk about classes for next quarter. It was comforting to be assured what I was doing was right, but at the same time, it just got me thinking more and more about what I want to do with my life in the future, but, more on that another time. 

Then, one Wednesday, I had my first midterm ever in Chem. It was super easy and ridiculous. I still sometimes forget how much easier college can be than Iolani. It was just a little bit awkward in the tiny lecture hall chair and tiny little desk, while fumbling around with the test, the scantron, the periodic table, and my calculator! 

After that, on Friday, Gavin and I bussed it down to Lacey to visit Jaime. That night, the 3 of us and a few of her friends, and even Jarren, went to this haunted corn maze. It was actually really high quality and really fun. There were some creepy people who wanted to "faun" us, or pretended to be checker boards, but over all, good time.

THEN, on Saturday night, we went to OLIVE GARDEN!!!!!!!!! It was everything I dreamed of and more. First, unlimited bread sticks: DELICIOUS! Unlimited soup: OMAZING! And then, I got the "Tour of Italy" which had some pasta, some lasagna, and some chicken parmesan. SO MUCH NOM! The only problem was that I got way too full way too fast. I'm going in with a game plan next time.... next time.....

Then that brings us to yesterday. We got back kind of early, so I did a little bit of homework. Then, my aunt came and picked me up and we went to go see Wicked. It was really really really good. I mean, that's all I can really say about it. It was awesome. 

Then, I got back at like 10:30 and had to start working on my 5 page paper that is due for english today. And that's why I spent the 3 and a half hours after that working, and that is why I managed to forget about blogging.... It's no excuse, I know, but I promise I'll be better next time!

Okay, off to Math. I have another midterm tomorrow, but, no worries, supa easy!

Books Read: 11
Free Meals: 47
Why This Week Was Awesome: I ordered a Swings poster, but instead I got a signed Huricane poster! (I think I'm gonna send it back though)
Song Stuck in My Head: A lot of Wicked songs...


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