Sunday, May 27, 2012

I Hope the Days Come Easy and the Moments Pass Slow!

Hey there!!!

So this week has been a crazy one, including last night in which I went to Junior Prom with Rachel who I found out ALSO reads our blog!!! So now that I know that REAL people actually read this I kind of feel pressured to write something of somewhat quality work... Nah.....

Anyways, this week was crazy because it was the last real week of school and I had so much stuff going on. Oh, and not to mention that I was FREAKING SICK THIS WEEK!!!! GAH!!!! I was literally DEAD when we went to the Water Park on Friday! But it was alright, I still had fun, but I was dead, so... Although I did feel much better yesterday from Prom, so that was good. 

Anyway, so let's start with the Water Park. It was actually really fun, I haven't been there in a while so it was a little different. Even though I had to run away every two seconds to go clean out my nasal passages, it was a fun time that included free food. Also, I noticed how Jen said "meh" about the Water Park in her post on Thursday, but I'm pretty sure that she ended up having a super good time!

Then, there was Junior Prom last night, which, I thought was super fun!!! (And I'm not just saying that because I know that Rachel is reading this! But since Rachel is reading this I'm gonna say thank you for inviting me!!! It was a really good time!!!) So let's do some comparisons shall we? SENIOR VS JUNIOR PROM

DJ:   JUNIOR!!! (This DJ was a THOUSAND times better!!! With much more knowable and danceable songs, and, he actually ended the night with a slow song, and there were other slow songs intermixed throughout the night. Good job DJ.)

VENUE:   TIE!!! (I actually thought the location of both proms were really good! The only thing about Junior Prom was that it seemed like there were so much less people, which is probably because it was a slightly bigger place? I don't know, but that does remind me of my new found love for Emerald! She's so cool!!!)

PICTURE TAKING:    SENIOR!!! (At Junior Prom, the picture taking guy was the same as from Soph Banquet, instead of the normal Ishikawa guys, and this guy isn't that good. He was having trouble putting 10 people in a group picture.... They would have died if our group was there.) 

And most importantly FOOD:     SENIOR!!!!!!! W00TTTT!!! (The food at Senior Prom was definitely better!!!! 'Nuff said!)

Okay, enough of that. Umm, well, Baccalaureate is tonight and Jen is supposedly supposed to be the one who is going to make us cry. We'll see about that then, won't we? 

For next week, we graduate on Saturday, so I don't know if we are going to blog on the day before or after, but you will find out eventually!!! Okay, until next week, Be Brilliant!

Books Read: 8 
Free Meals: 7
Why This Week Was Awesome: Last Week of High School
Song Stuck in My Head: "My Wish" by Rascal Flats (In attempt to finally memorize it...)

Oh, and also, I've been scrambling to try and memorize the alma mater....... (I finally know the first verse!!!)


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