Sunday, May 20, 2012

Where Was Neverland?

Hello again, peoples.

This week was pretty hectic. I'm finally finished with all of my classes. Whoo! On Tuesday morning, I took the AP Gov exam and then after that I had nothing to do. So I spent the afternoon doing that. Nothing. Well, I mean, I hung out with Mrs. Nagao and then I went to the SAO and I kinda lounged about with other free seniors at benches. After that, for the rest of the week, my day was pretty much like: homeroom in the morning, then scholarship period 7, and then BOOM NOTHING. 

So I filled that nothing with working in the Summer Programs Office. Not the whole time, really, though. Like, for example, I took Friday morning off so that I could do all the other stuff that NEED to be done before I graduate during that time. And I also work after schools, too. Kendall also works whenever he can. We have a whole list of things that we need to do to prep for summer school and I'm working through all of them. We're getting there. We still need to pick a theme!

And then prom was last night. It was crazy fun. Max, of course, was an A+ date (maybe save for the Watch Debate? Haha, well, agree to disagree!). And I'm sure that I will come out on top of his Trifecta of Dates. We don't know yet because junior prom is next week but...I better! Haha, I'm kidding. Mmm, wait, no, I'm not. Really now! Anyway, food was good. Soph Banq food was awesome but Max and I decided that our food was better despite the fact that we had to admit defeat halfway through Dessert #2.The dance floor was tiny and cramped and my dress was cumbersome and everyone was stepping on it and there were so many people so it got really hot and really tight and really crazy in there. BUT! We only took one water break and then one for the group picture. So that's two five-to-ten-minute breaks total the whole night. The rest of the time was spent dancing. That's the YOLO attitude that senior prom demands and we defs had it. But the, really? Electric Slide for the LAST DANCE OF THE LAST PROM OF OUR HIGH SCHOOL YEARS EVER? Thank you very much, Mr. DJ man. Nevertheless, a ton of fun was had by all. (Ooh, that's right, I just passived and I don't care. This is what being done with classes--no, being done with HIGH SCHOOL--does to Jen...) 

Now I have to worry about other things. Like that Bio lab report. *SIGH* 

Risks: 20 (Yun Ji "spiking" the punch doesn't count...)
Hugs: 0
Current food cravings/obsessions: some cool iced tea
Playlist(s) on repeat:, I'm embarrassed to say. 


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