Sunday, May 20, 2012

This is Crazy!

Hello! This is gonna be hasty because I must hurry off to a stage band performance, but nevertheless!

While Jen was off gallivanting this week, I had one of the busiest weeks in my high school career, which will continue onto to next week being utterly insane. *Breathe*. Almost there. 

My only two AP tests were this week. That was fun. Kind of. Oh and yesterday was Prom. That was fun right? I don't know, dances are fun, but they all kind of blend together in the filing cabinet of my mind labeled "Crowded, sweaty, formal things". I still have one last prom to go to next week. That should be a fun time. 

I have to pee.... But there is no time!!!! I actually thought that the place that we had prom at this year was super cool. The road up to it was sups nuts, and the ballroom, although slightly unconventional, was a cool place. 

I also have to hurry because I have to go return my tux in an hour because that's when they close. Poop sauce. Okay, I shall be off. It's been real!

Books Read: 8 
Free Meals: 5
Why This Week Was Awesome: Prom?
Song Stuck in My Head: "She Takes Me High" by We The Kings


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