Sunday, March 25, 2012

COME AT ME BRO---Oh wait, no I'm just kidding. JUST KIDDING!

My brain can't really function because I feel like I've been going at over 100 mph since 9am today, going from one thing to the next then back to the first thing and then over to a whole new thing. I feel, like, I feel like I should Busta Rhymes-rap. But I can't. Because my lips can't keep up with the speed at which my brain is telling them to move. 


Yeah. Um. Okay. Prom dress? CHECK. Hunger Games? CHE--OHWAITNO, NOPE, NOT CHECK! I haven't watched it yet...we ended up not watching it on Saturday because of reasons and so we are going to watch it tomorrow but Josh ALREADY WATCHED IT ONLINE LAST NIGHT AND I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED BECAUSE OF REASONS.

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.

Ope, forgot to exhale!



Watching movies over and over again with your brother can be pretty boring. But not when your brother is Josh. We were watching Jurassic Park 3 a couple of days ago and we've watched it a million times--I know the entire movie by heart. So it was supposed to be boring. But it wasn't. Josh turned down the volume really low (not really on mute--low enough so that we could hear the people scream but not loud enough that we could clearly hear the dialogue) and then he lip dubbed his way during the dinosaur scenes (which is, like, about 90% of the movie...). For instance, instead of, you know, being chased and attacked by raptors looking for their stolen eggs, Dr. Grant and the Kirbys were being chased by raptors that were obsessed with cats. And not just cats. Dead cats. And apparently, so was Billy, that necrophiliac--that's why he stole the dead cats in the first place! Josh also translated for the raptors--yep, he speaks Dinosaur. I was laughing the whole entire time. 

Fun times. 

So, I don't if I've said it here yet, but I'm on Envelope #4 now. 
I've also been doing lots of writing lately. Which is good. It's always good. Lots of writing is good. 

Must go back to work now. I remember thinking to myself before break that I had lots of things to finish during the spring break but I forgot all about them over the week because of work-work and now they're all coming back to me. 

Risks taken: 17
Hugs:  0
Current food cravings/obsessions: POKE POKE POKE....and soda. Lots of soda.
Playlist(s) on Repeat: ..................................................

Spring Break Fun Times!

Oh hey there!

Since last week, I've gone from LA to Seattle to back home, so let's start there. Back in LA we explored the coast a little bit and drove around and such--fun times. Then on Tuesday, we went over to Seattle so I could visit some colleges, which were all nice. Some highlights include, surprise dinner, Doritos Locos Taco at Taco Bell with all the antigens, Dick's and In n' Out, and pretty much all our other food adventures.

Then, on Friday we got back home and then a bunch of our friends went over to someone's house to hang out which was fun times, especially since Jen was there (Jen add-on: AWW! I KNOW RIGHT! I'm such a big ball of fun...). And then we saw "The Hunger Games" which was freaking amazing awesome cool nugget sauce!!!

Oh, and I finished another book, it was the book on which the whole 29 Gifts thing was based. It was good. It was interesting to see how this whole thing started and what it was originally supposed to mean. 

Okay, time to eat. BYEEEEE!!!

Books Read: 6!!!!
Why This Week Was Awesome: Cold Times! 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Boy With the Bread" by Alex Carpenter

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fun Times All Around

Oh hey there. 

Jen was disbelieving in my posting abilities. Psh. I'm SUPS responsible, I would never not post!!!! Anyways, this week wasnt that exciting. Well, I mean, it was, but, it was all school related exciting stuff. 

On Friday I left for LA, so right now, I'm sitting in our hotel room, looking out at the World Of Color show in the California Adventure Park, fun stuff man. Anyways, we had some adventures here in Disney, and we also drove down to San Diego today. Since it was so close to the border, there were a LOT of antigens around!!!!! 

Oh  yeah, and it's freaking cold!!!! I like the cold though, so it's alright. But, the highlight so far has to be that today for lunch, we went to In and Out. So gooooooooddddddd!!!! On Tuesday, we are going to Seattle for me to visit 3 of my 5 colleges: SPU, SU, and UW. I got into the first two already, so I'm good for those, but I have yet to hear back from UW yet so, things could get awkward. 

Also, Hunger Games comes out on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else freaking excited? Cuz I am! I re-read the first book this past week in like two days. Gah sooo good!!! 

Jen starts work this week and I'm sups jelly! I LOVE office work!!!!!! Gah, so much fun. Okay. I am off for sleep sleep time. Until next week? Until next week. 

Books Read: 5!!!!
Why This Week Was Awesome: Sangre! 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Eye of the Tiger"....

Shhpring Break!!!!

Hola! Okay, so I'm typing this through my mom's phone because I won't have Internet until Thursday, so I'm not really sure how the format will show up. 

Anyway, it's SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how happy I am about this break from school. YESYESYESYES it is SPRING BREAK!!!!! I had a speech tournament yesterday and it was at Mililani and Kendall had always told me to go and checkout the purple trees here but I wasn't sure yesterday if they were jacarandas. While there, Josh, Rachel, Kenneth, and I found out that we didn't really need to be there because the district rules said that pre-qualified people cannot compete in finals. It was still good practice though and I had fun hanging out with my teammates. 

 I start work tomorrow and I am excited. It'll be fun office work!! Okay well I have to go now. Oh wait! Update! I'm sups close to finishing the task in Envelope #3 but I will probably have to walk over to Starbucks for Wi-Fi tomorrow after work. 

Okaysies! Kendall is having fun visiting colleges and having Disney fun in California. Then he's flying over to Seattle later. Not sure if he's gonna post this week. Maybe he will...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's Official, I Can't Have Children

WooooooooaaaahhhHHHhhhHHH!!!!! What's goin on here?!?!? A blog?????? WHHHHAAAATTTTTT?????


Anyways, I, like Jen, have been sups busy as well, but I have things that need reportation of them. Let's start at the last time I saw you guys. That weekend (last weekend) was the State Tournament for wrestling, and let me say that it went awesomely. I went in having a lot of worries and concerns about how things were gonna be, but then everything worked out amazingly, from us being able to work Head Table, Sid and I running the first place mat, us doing the awards with the Moanalua girls, and just the overall fluidity of everything. It went by really well. 

After that, this past Thursday, our school had a blood drive, and this is the first year in which I have been old enough to donate, so I did. It just felt really great to be able to do something good with myself. Despite the fact that I am now sick and I have to call them and tell them to throw away my blood, it was just a fun experience overall and I plan on doing it again in the future. 

Then, on Friday, the Prefects and ourselves had Goodness day! It was a day in which we tried to promote doing good, being good, and feeling good to the rest of the student body and I think that it went really well!

Yesterday, I spent the first portion of the day finally finishing Fellowship of the Rings W000000TTTT!!!! It was good, I have to say that I really enjoyed it. I have seen the movies before, but I barely remember them, so when I read the end of the book I kind of wanted to throw it across my room and yell at it, but alas, I did not. Now, I'm rereading The Hunger Games in anticipation of the movie. This one is going by a lot more quickly seeing as I'm already like halfway through the book. 

Then, last night, our school had a dance in the gym and I went and it was fun. Yup. That about sums it up. 

This Friday, I'm leaving on a trip for the mainland, so I'm not too sure what my internet situation will be like, but I'm sure that I'll be able to get something up. So until then, later days!

Books Read: 4
Why This Week Was Awesome: Sangre!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Eye of the Tiger"....

Sleeping to the Rising of the Sun

Ohheythere. Fancy meeting you here. It's been a while. 

Before anything else, I'd like to take this moment to remember all of those who lost homes, families, and friends in the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan a year ago. Strength and continued prayers still travel across the Pacific, my friends.

Okay, the past week has been wetwetwet--thunderstorms and rain and hail (HAIL in HAWAII!) and even a tornado...aiyooooo. Anyway, what with all the water that's been falling out of the sky, it's amazing that we all still manage to go to school, traipse through the puddles and seriously consider busting out the canoe and paddles. 

I like the rain. Strong rain is fine but it does make people feel down most of the time, me included. Drizzles and summer rains are the best. Sun and drizzle at the same time? It's one of the 1000 Awesome things!

As expected, the last two weeks of the quarter are pretty hectic. But the imminent break for spring is detrimentally affecting my focus on such important cram days. Must work. Must work. Must work. Oh but there's food, and the Internet, and other useless things....NO. MUST WORK.

So, yes, still alive, albeit I had a nasty headache on Thursday and Friday so I stayed home on Friday. I think it's the sleep deprivation guys. Of course it is, it always is. 

Okay, I don't have much to say today actually. Just. I've been busy like the rest of the world. Gah. Things will get better and the times will surely lighten and loosen up once spring break is here. Well, actually, once March is over. Kinda.

On a totally unrelated but still very exciting note: we just got 3 more views from Nigeria (in Africa) this past week. Yes.

Okay, bye.

Risks taken: 17
Hugs:  0
Current food cravings/obsessions: cookies and cream ice cream
Playlist(s) on Repeat: "Stereotypical Disney Princess"

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day Twenty-Nine (The End): Postcards at the Beach

First of all, I hope you had a happy Leap Day! Only once in every four years do we see this lovely Feb 29 on our calendars, so it was bound to be special. Sure enough, this was a day of all days.

For my final gift: A couple of weeks ago, one of the commenters on 29 Gifts suggested that I check out Postcrossing because I like writing letters so much. So I did and immediately signed up for it. I thought it would be cool to send and receive postcards from all over the world. So I was assigned to write five postcards to five different people--one in Belarus, in Lithuania, Russia, China, and Netherlands. So a little bit into the meeting period, I walked from school to Waikiki Beach. I bought five postcards (all with a picture of Waikiki) at the first ABC store I saw and then walked down to the shore to write the postcards. I sat down on a low rock wall near Walls for a while to just relax and take in everything around me so that when I started writing, I could make sure to describe the cool sand between my toes as I burrowed my feet deeper and deeper, the smell of the Pacific, how the cool breeze that mingled with the Hawaiian heat felt, and the sound of the waves tumbling over each other and crashing against the shore. Good thing it wasn't very crowded with tourists (it was a bit overcast today). Hopefully, I managed to capture all that a single relaxing moment in a Hawaii beach can offer and imprinted all of it onto the postcards. I also included some well wishes and a couple of life's simple reminders: live, love, laugh, make the little things count, and don't forget to be awesome.

Today, in addition to being reminded of how lucky I am to live in a place where so many people can only dream of visiting, I was also reminded of just how lucky I am to have friends who genuinely care for and love me. Last year, I wrote a lengthy letter to myself and its contents were not at all new to the four friends who just read it this past week with my permission. But, apparently the way I conveyed my message in those heartbreaking pages just ignited so many emotions. Suffice it to say that there should never be a time when any one of us should ever feel unloved because that is wholly untrue. We are all loved--sometimes, we just don't notice. And I am so grateful that my friends make sure that I never forget.

Before I close, I just wanted to say something about Kendall today. Though he said in his blog that what he gave on this final day of 29 Gifts wasn't a very big deal, I want everyone to know that Kendall is one of the most selfless people I know and he did something else earlier today that only a handful of people in this world would, if put in the same situation as he was, would do exactly what he chose to do. I'm not even sure that I would have done what Kendall did today myself, and that's hard to admit, but it's the truth. Rather than choose himself, he chose to help someone. Rather than be selfish, he chose to be selfless. Rather than think of what he wanted, he chose to think about what someone else needed. And he didn't even mention it in his blog! Though I cannot say exactly what Kendall did (it's kinda personal, and also, a secret), ladies and gentlemen, this young man is hands-down amazing. Kerms, I am so lucky to be able to call you one of my best friends. Please do me a favor and just go and write him a short little comment on his 29 Gifts page here because things definitely did not turn out the way he wanted them to, but he took it all in stride and was still very happy to help someone else. Now that is commendable and truly inspiring.

This has been quite a journey of 29 days--lots of gift-giving, hugs, smiles, and feel-good awesomeness-ities amid the third-quarter-senior hustle and bustle. I am really glad that we did this because I feel like I've learned so much more about myself and others as well. Reaching out to people and constantly having to think of special ways to give can do wonders. At the same time, however, I've become so much more aware of the little daily pockets during which I can give to others. They're everywhere. The problem isn't because we don't have the time to give--it's because we're often blind to these opportunities. The most satisfying feeling is knowing that someone, out there, is smiling because of what someone else did, and the possibility that maybe that person will pass it on. Making a difference, making the little things count, making the most of your time and of what you are given--these are what make life. And giving to others definitely falls in all four. To the site moderators and constant readers/commenters of our blogs these past 29 days, thank you, thank you, thank you! We were so overwhelmed and amazed at how amazing this community is. All of your warm comments and encouraging words have definitely spurred us on and kept us looking for more creative ways to give. You have inspired us through and through, and for that we thank you. I will most definitely be back for a Round 2.

Now that BEDiF is over, we revert back to BEWTY. Let's keep going up and up and up, guys.

Risks taken: 17 (2 today)

Hugs:  2
Current food cravings/obsessions: milk
Playlist(s) on Repeat: "Like an N But Not Really"