Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bye Bye 2011...Hello 2012!

Hola everyone. 2011 was, in short, a good year. I had tons of fun despite all the not-fun moments. When I try to reflect on this past year, all I can really think about is love, friends and family. I feel hope for humanity and believe in the newfound glory of the world. There were key moments for our whole country and our world, in general, and you all know what those are, but regarding my own personal life--2011 has been good to me. I hope 2012 will be better--especially because I'm a Rooster and 2012 is supposedly lucky for us. :)

For my spiel on 2011, see the post before this one! 

TO RECAP 2011 and USHER IN 2012, here are our Lists:

Things from The List Completed in 2011
P4A 2011 (Ovarian Cancer Research Fund)
BEDA(ugust) 2011!
Play with BIG bubbles ('Cause that's what we cool people do after taking three SAT Subject tests in a row . . . no big deal, you know?)
Win an award at the end of the year for our student council committee with Rachel/Nutmeg (Faculty Relations Individual!!!)
Kendall: Find and eat a Filipino dish that you like (Nilagang baka)
BEDA(pril) 2011!
Go to prom together (C/O 2012 Junior Prom: A Night of Mystery at Honolulu Country Club)
Slow dance with each other (Song: It Might Be You by Stephen Bishop) 

(Jen) Make a 17th birthday scavenger hunt/puzzle thing for Kendall's 17th brithday
(Kendall) Make a 17th birthday scavenger hunt/puzzle thing for Jen's 17th birthday  

Things We Added to The List in 2011?
(Definitely) VIDCON!
Epic Mafia Hide and Seek Game (sometime during senior year)
Pretend like you're Rachel Cohn and David Levithan for a duo project
PUSH 2012

We must go to a waffle house one day. During a snowstorm. Some place where snow storms happen (so, NOT Hawaii).
Snow day (snowmen, snow angels, snow devils, and snowball fights)

Visit a paper town
Make a wish at Point Zero
Jacaranda festival in Pretoria, South Africa
Make butterbeer

Go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando
Mafia Breakfast Party (sometime during senior year)
Cross-Cultural Solutions. Together. CHINA.
One trip to the Philippines and Arlington, Washington? YES.
Jollibee!* (The one in Ala Mona? Yes.)
Doctor Who marathon?
Read all Printz Award-winning books and all Printz Award honorees 

Things that Never Happened...Until 2011 Happened
Seniorness and all its perks
Holy frickin' college app stress
Tumblr addiction
Pandeeb and Trevor/Frogeeb
Nationals WHOOO! :)

Nerdfighter-ish Things from 2011
Project 4 Awesome 2011 (Success!)
NaNoWriMo 2011 (Fail! Again...but NOT REALLY!)
BEDAs 2011 (Success-ish. All Jen's fault...)
The Beckoning of Lovely
John's signing of the first printing of TFiOS
Lola and the Boy Next Door

2011 Was the Year When/Of...

This year, we got a total of 10,534 page views out of our total 15,276 page views. And while 98% of those are probably from Jen and myself, it is still pretty freaking awesome. 

Next year, Jen and I will continue to BEWTY it up and most likely BEDApril and BEDAugust. However, we do have some special plans for when the two of us go to college. Yeah, that's right, get excited.

2012 will be an incredibly new and fun year that we can't wait to experience and share with you. 

As always, Don't Forget To Be Awesome.


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