Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer Is to Sing Loudly For All To Hear


I am typing this on Christmas Eve at 10 at night while my mom is talking to her friends and my brother and dad are also on the couch, watching ESPN. I love Christmas so much and like every other family, we have our own weird Christmas traditions. On Christmas Eve, at night, we go to my Grandma's old church service. I used to think it was boring and always dreaded it, but I really have grown to appreciate it. It's a candle lighting ceremony, so at the end, one person lights their candle and then they spread it to someone and so on, until everyone has their candle lit. Then we all sing "Go Light the World." It's just something that has to happen for me to know it's Christmas. 

Then, we come home and eat and whatever. My mom has some friends who don't really have families of their own so they come over and hang out with us, which is cool. But once they leave, the real fun will start. For as long as I can remember, my brother and I have been able to open one present on Christmas Eve. That one present, however, is always pajamas (usually from Old Navy). Now, I never wear the pajamas that my mom gets me, they are too hot and inconvenient, but I still love receiving them. I don't think that I would be able to go to sleep on Christmas Eve night without them. 

After that, we do something a little strange but we have been doing it since I was young. We watch the movie Christmas Vacation which is a kind of inappropriate movie, but it will always be a symbol of Christmas for me. Lastly, it's kind of corny, but we do it anyway: my dad reads The Night Before Christmas to us. Good times. 

So yeah, we are about to go watch our movie so I will see you guys later. (I just wanna fill you in on the book situation. I finished re-reading Let it Snow, a book of 3 intertwining Christmas stories and it is such a great Christmas book. Now I am starting to read Ms. Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. Exciting stuff yo.)

Be brilliant. 

Books Read: 26 (W00T!!!)
Why This Week Was Awesome: Christmas!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Christmas Wish" by ALL CAPS


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