Sunday, November 1, 2009



Yups, Homecoming Week just finished and we're all pumped up (more or less) for the 2nd quarter!

Starting off with the Homecoming Kickoff and Fashion No-No Dress Day on Monday and ending with the Homecoming game, Ho'olau'lea and Burning of the 'I' (which, sadly, I was not able to attend =[), the whole week was a BLAST! As usual, of course! The 'Iolani Raider spirit was definitely in the air--especically withing the sophomores! (20-12 babyyy.....)

Monday - Fashion No-No (self-explanatory)
Tuesday - Athletic (jerseys, athletic uniforms and equipment)
Wednesday - Sun Safety (funky hats, shades, and long sleeves)
Thursday - Halloween Eve Eve (costume or 100% black and/or orange)
Friday - All-Out Raider (red, black, and white)

Homecoming Kick-Off, Silent Library, Intramurals, Faculty vs Students Inner Tube Water Polo, Free S'mores, Lip Sync, Barbecue Fundraiser, Lip Sync, Friday Fair Day, Cheerfest, Homecoming game, Ho'olau'lea, Burning of the 'I', etc.

Lip sync was hilarious (all the single ladies...), Cheerfest was loud (O_o), the Homecoming Court was great (Rachel and Darwin, you're my heroes!), yay for the game (final score 39-7?...#74, #74, #74!!!) and ALMOST everyone dressed up all-out for most of the week! *everyone pointedly stares at Chewy* Haha...

Anyway, now that both class day and Homecoming week are over, what else do we have to look forward to until next year? Extended schedule days! Veteran's Day! Random Assembly 3 schedule days! Thanksgiving! Christmas break!

Ahh, all y'all in public schools damn lucky y'all got furlough Fridays! XD

--Fruity =]

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's technically OVER.

I like this song. And I'm bored.


Monday, September 21, 2009


Gah, it's one of those times again when I have so much to say. But I can't really say anything because there's technically nothing to say. Be prepared to be confused. Things haven't exactly been "sunshine and daisies" for me lately.

We've (finally) adjusted into our rigorous school routine of daily quizzes/tests, late-night homework cramming, stress, etc. And it's okay because we've been through these things before, albeit it's at a bit of a higher level now because we're sophomores instead of freshmen. But, for me, there's that something else that's going on. Again. >_>

It's like that ELEPHANT in the room, kind of, you know? Like, it's inside the room, and it's so big that you can't ignore it, but people try to anyway? Yeah, like that.

So, the ELEPHANT is in the middle of the room. And all this time, ever since it came inside, I've just been walking around it, doing my usual work and stuff. I know it's there, and I see it's there. But I'm just trying to adjust to the fact that it's taking up most of the room's space. And I guess it's kind of slowly eating away at me because I know that I don't like the elephant at all, much less the fact that it's taking up most of my space. And it's affecting my overall life. How am I supposed to live with that elephant in the room, when I know that I don't want to deal with it at all? I can't really force it to leave, can I? I think it came in its own accord, but "another person" and I had a little something to do with it also, I think. I guess it's also partly my fault that the elephant came inside the room. Then, I realized that I did create the elephant in the first place. Yeah, I had help from someone creating it, but it's still something that I made. Additionally, I may have also lured the elephant inside the room. Yeah, that "other person" was basically pushing it inside the room.

But again, still. Huh, I guess I just have to live with the elephant and make the best of all this. But, again, at the same time, someone is screaming, "GET IT OUT OF HERE!!! YOU KNOW YOU CAN GET RID OF THAT ELEPHANT IF YOU REALLY WANTED TO, SO DO IT NOW!!!" inside of me. And I really want to listen because I know I can get rid of the elephant. It's just that, I don't know if it'll work or not, and I may look really stupid and pathetic in the process, and I'll get hurt. Gah.

Anyway, I know that you (whoever you are) are very, very confused. So am I. Probably even more so than you. And that's okay. But if you do get what I'm saying, let me commend you.


And, OMG, I just finished rereading what I just wrote above. And I made it sound like I'm pregnant. Shoot. Just clarifying, I am not pregnant. If you still haven't figured it out, the
elephant is not real; it is a METAPHOR. Really, people.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Someone stole our name!?!?!?!?

So, today I was bored and I decided to search our name (ChewyFruity) on Google. I didn't find us (aww) but I did come across this:

THEY STOLE OUR NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, yeah check it out. So that's it, we just thought that was interesting.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

RannDOMM vidEO de LA SEMANA!!!! (My Chewyits...)

Ok, here is a video sent to us by a friend of ours. Check it out.
(Also, check out our Returning to School Blues)


First Week of School Gripes

Ah, we just finished one of the longest weeks of our lives! Why did we have to start school on a Monday? This conspiracy needs to stop...
Anyway, although it's only a week into the new school year, Chewy and I already have several gripes to complain about:

Why, why, why, why, why, why, why
must we have the period before lunch in the building farthest from the cafeteria in a school with notoriously looooong lunch lines????

Chewy has a second floor locker this school year, and he's not enjoying going up and down the stairs between classes. I'm so lucky that I have mine in the most convenient spot ever in the first floor!

P.E. = :(
Of course, we
must gripe about P.E. Although, I have it better than Chewy because I have Mr. Martin--I get to play games instead of running or swimming, as long as I play hard during handball games!! Chewy has to swim every Friday. Boo!

I didn't really think about the homework time when I signed up for this. But I'll get by, I hope. Chewy will try to keep me sane.

Yes, the school has decided to add several new dress code rules for us to follow---WHAT?!?!?! No more t-shirts?!?!?! I can't even wear one under a jacket! That used to be allowed, but things are changing this year...

Does that one speak for itself? Yeah, it does. And I guess this also applies to people in general, not just friends. I've seen a lot of it this past week. Yeah, it is sad. But why summer break? I guess it's because it's the longest out of all the school breaks. Gawd, it sucks.

I think we have more, but I'm running out of time--I need to get back to work!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

List Update! #1

Okay, so like we said before, this blog is a record of our List. I've posted up the current List on the side and I will be keeping that list updated regularly. I also separated them based on what we've completed and what we haven't. You know, if/when we decide we don't want to do something anymore, or if/when we add things to it, or if/when we complete a task on the list. Usually, a blog post will accompany that update, that kind of thing.

Chewy and I are currently working on
writing a story (which, as you can see, is on the List). I was looking through some old files in my computer and I found all of the fanfiction and stories that I wrote a couple of years ago, back when we were still in middle school (I didn't know Chewy, then). And I got so excited because I was reading all of them and laughing and everything. So I e-mailed all of my work to Chewy and was all like, "Hey, dude! Check all of this out! I rock!"

Chewy and I like telling stories. I probably like it more than he does. I love listening to long stories, telling long stories, reading them, and writing them. When we first met, Chewy let me read this story that he came up with when he was bored and it was about this kid who finds a magic skateboard and everything. So I knew he was going to appreciate all my work. And he did.

And the "story" of David, Cleo, Chris, and the US government was born. Heh. XD


Sunday, August 9, 2009


This is a sort of long one but it is well worth it! =)


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Random Video of the Week!!

I was bored and I couldn't think of anything else to post so I decided to do this. I guess that I have always resented people who are supposed to update, and I end up waiting desperately for them, so this is my way of getting back at them. (Not that anyone will actually wait for me to update)

So here it is. It is a funny quote from one of the best TV shows ever. ENJOY!! =)


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Boring Summer

The title pretty much says it all. Yes, I'm having a boring summer. And I'm trying to make it really productive, really (I even made a long To-Do List...), but I don't know. Chewy's on Maui with his family and *cough* "others" *cough* are too busy to talk to me on the phone/chat with me/text me/send me smoke signals. Yeah. Can you believe that I wish for summer for a great majority of the school year, what with all the stress and work and everything, and when I do get it, lo and behold, I don't want it. But then again, I'm bipolar that way (Chewy gave me the diagnosis one day after one of my "little" rants...and he refuses to cure me because my bipolarity is, apparently, "one of the reasons why [I'm] loved"). So, I am left to figure out what to do and I've noticed lately that I've been having cravings to complete some tasks that I have on The List. (This particular list is only for me, btw. The List that Chewy and I are trying to complete is sort of an extension of my original list.)

Color in a coloring book using colored pencils and crayons (not as a child).
I don't have any coloring books! And when I asked my mom for one she looked at me weirdly and said, "No!"

Swing all day on a swing (or a good majority of it).
Now, where do I find a swing? Sorry, but the nearest to my house is over in the next suburb, so no for that.

Drive (!!!)
I got my driver's permit!! (100%, may I add...hehe). And I went driving with my dad (and older sister and younger brother, too) on that same day! I almost crashed!--NOT! Whee!

And I think that's it for now. I gotta update this more often....HEY! I just figured out what I'm gonna do with my summer!


Friday, July 17, 2009

Fruity Randomness #1

Life sucks. Sometimes.
Ah, yes. It does. Hard.
Okay, passing over that depressing bit, let's discuss much more pressing matters.
It's a spoon and a fork together! ABSOLUTE GENIUS!!!
Just kidding, I'm just trying to distract myself.
I am so excited--I'm watching it tomorrow. Chewy already watched it >_>.
I totally forbade him to say anything about the movie but, of course, him being
his Chewy self, he goes ahead and says, "You're gonna love it."
Ah, I'll just have to wait. Except I can't wait. I just peed my pants.
Well, it's all over now, I guess. Me verrry sadd. I can't do anything about it, though.
(For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, picture a brobdingnagian** anvil hanging by a weak rope above your head. Then watch as the rope snaps. And scream.)
Ok, so maybe that scenario's not very accurate. But it's close. Chewy knows what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a certain
doucheweed (yes, I said doucheweed).
PERCY JACKSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (See teaser video below)
Whoa. I just read the stuff I typed above. And that's so waaay random. Oh well. That's just me. Watch out for Fruity Randomness #2.

*brobdingnagian: BIG

Thursday, July 16, 2009

PERCY JACKSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you who dont know, Percy Jackson & the
Olympians is a series about a guy
(Percy Jackson [= ) who finds out that he is half-god.
It is one of the best series that I have read
(We should make a list of the best ones, hmmm...)
Now they are making a movie of the first book and this
teaser came out with Harry Potter on Wednesday =).
(BTW when I went to see the movie they didn't show it,
even though they still had time to show New Moon
*Fruity just had a premonition
that something terrible was said*)
So ENJOY!!! =)


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First Post ^_^

So............[insert really perfunctory** first-meeting greeting here]
For the sake of this blog, our names are CHEWY and FRUITY. Yeah, sorry. We're not that good with introductions, so let's cut to the chase and just get on with whatever this blog is all about. Firstly, THE LIST. I know. Sounds intimidating, right? But it's not. Basically, it's a list of things that we're going to do together before we graduate high school (because we're just coolio beasties like that). One of them is exactly this: CREATING THIS BLOG. So now we can check that off (whoo!). Secondly, let's get this straight (mainly because we're getting tired of all the false accusations): WE ARE NOT DATING OR GOING OUT OR ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED IN ANY WAY *cough*KYLE*cough*.
We're just really good friends ^_^, let's leave it at that, shall we? Oh yeah, Chewy and Fruity have something going on, all right. But it's not that. It's a completely, entirely new thing. Yeah. So, we've decided that this blog right here will be a record of THE LIST and the ones we do accomplish on THE LIST. That and, of course, COMPLETE AND TOTAL RANDOMNESS. And since we're your typical teenagers (who are not typical in any way...yay contradictions!), you can expect rants, complaints, angst, craziness, fun, and everything but the kitchen sink (but then, that's exactly why we love each other in this big, big world, right??) And with that, I say to the very few people who are actually reading this: ENJOY!
**PERFUNCTORY: casual; hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough; "a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws" (definition from