Yups, Homecoming Week just finished and we're all pumped up (more or less) for the 2nd quarter!
Starting off with the Homecoming Kickoff and Fashion No-No Dress Day on Monday and ending with the Homecoming game, Ho'olau'lea and Burning of the 'I' (which, sadly, I was not able to attend =[), the whole week was a BLAST! As usual, of course! The 'Iolani Raider spirit was definitely in the air--especically withing the sophomores! (20-12 babyyy.....)
Monday - Fashion No-No (self-explanatory)
Tuesday - Athletic (jerseys, athletic uniforms and equipment)
Wednesday - Sun Safety (funky hats, shades, and long sleeves)
Thursday - Halloween Eve Eve (costume or 100% black and/or orange)
Friday - All-Out Raider (red, black, and white)
Homecoming Kick-Off, Silent Library, Intramurals, Faculty vs Students Inner Tube Water Polo, Free S'mores, Lip Sync, Barbecue Fundraiser, Lip Sync, Friday Fair Day, Cheerfest, Homecoming game, Ho'olau'lea, Burning of the 'I', etc.
Lip sync was hilarious (all the single ladies...), Cheerfest was loud (O_o), the Homecoming Court was great (Rachel and Darwin, you're my heroes!), yay for the game (final score 39-7?...#74, #74, #74!!!) and ALMOST everyone dressed up all-out for most of the week! *everyone pointedly stares at Chewy* Haha...
Anyway, now that both class day and Homecoming week are over, what else do we have to look forward to until next year? Extended schedule days! Veteran's Day! Random Assembly 3 schedule days! Thanksgiving! Christmas break!
Ahh, all y'all in public schools damn lucky y'all got furlough Fridays! XD
--Fruity =]
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