Monday, September 21, 2009


Gah, it's one of those times again when I have so much to say. But I can't really say anything because there's technically nothing to say. Be prepared to be confused. Things haven't exactly been "sunshine and daisies" for me lately.

We've (finally) adjusted into our rigorous school routine of daily quizzes/tests, late-night homework cramming, stress, etc. And it's okay because we've been through these things before, albeit it's at a bit of a higher level now because we're sophomores instead of freshmen. But, for me, there's that something else that's going on. Again. >_>

It's like that ELEPHANT in the room, kind of, you know? Like, it's inside the room, and it's so big that you can't ignore it, but people try to anyway? Yeah, like that.

So, the ELEPHANT is in the middle of the room. And all this time, ever since it came inside, I've just been walking around it, doing my usual work and stuff. I know it's there, and I see it's there. But I'm just trying to adjust to the fact that it's taking up most of the room's space. And I guess it's kind of slowly eating away at me because I know that I don't like the elephant at all, much less the fact that it's taking up most of my space. And it's affecting my overall life. How am I supposed to live with that elephant in the room, when I know that I don't want to deal with it at all? I can't really force it to leave, can I? I think it came in its own accord, but "another person" and I had a little something to do with it also, I think. I guess it's also partly my fault that the elephant came inside the room. Then, I realized that I did create the elephant in the first place. Yeah, I had help from someone creating it, but it's still something that I made. Additionally, I may have also lured the elephant inside the room. Yeah, that "other person" was basically pushing it inside the room.

But again, still. Huh, I guess I just have to live with the elephant and make the best of all this. But, again, at the same time, someone is screaming, "GET IT OUT OF HERE!!! YOU KNOW YOU CAN GET RID OF THAT ELEPHANT IF YOU REALLY WANTED TO, SO DO IT NOW!!!" inside of me. And I really want to listen because I know I can get rid of the elephant. It's just that, I don't know if it'll work or not, and I may look really stupid and pathetic in the process, and I'll get hurt. Gah.

Anyway, I know that you (whoever you are) are very, very confused. So am I. Probably even more so than you. And that's okay. But if you do get what I'm saying, let me commend you.


And, OMG, I just finished rereading what I just wrote above. And I made it sound like I'm pregnant. Shoot. Just clarifying, I am not pregnant. If you still haven't figured it out, the
elephant is not real; it is a METAPHOR. Really, people.



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