Wednesday, August 12, 2009

List Update! #1

Okay, so like we said before, this blog is a record of our List. I've posted up the current List on the side and I will be keeping that list updated regularly. I also separated them based on what we've completed and what we haven't. You know, if/when we decide we don't want to do something anymore, or if/when we add things to it, or if/when we complete a task on the list. Usually, a blog post will accompany that update, that kind of thing.

Chewy and I are currently working on
writing a story (which, as you can see, is on the List). I was looking through some old files in my computer and I found all of the fanfiction and stories that I wrote a couple of years ago, back when we were still in middle school (I didn't know Chewy, then). And I got so excited because I was reading all of them and laughing and everything. So I e-mailed all of my work to Chewy and was all like, "Hey, dude! Check all of this out! I rock!"

Chewy and I like telling stories. I probably like it more than he does. I love listening to long stories, telling long stories, reading them, and writing them. When we first met, Chewy let me read this story that he came up with when he was bored and it was about this kid who finds a magic skateboard and everything. So I knew he was going to appreciate all my work. And he did.

And the "story" of David, Cleo, Chris, and the US government was born. Heh. XD



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