Sunday, June 1, 2014

Vile Creatures Hands Can Be, an Independent Part of Me

Hey guys!

This week was really interesting. I managed to catch up with Game of Thrones Season 4 in like a day because I finally finished the third book. Like, ugh, that took to long. 

On top of that, I may or may not have downloaded Half-Life and finished that in a day. Also, I got the new Mario Kart, which came with a download of Pikmin 3..... I look like a giant nerd....

Ha ha it's bad because now it's dead week and then finals and I have a crazy amount of stuff to do and I just don't want to do it, jah feel? 

Anyway, on Saturday, for my aunt's friends birthday, we went and volunteered with their church and we ended up at the Arlington Food Bank, which is the town where I grew up. It was actually a really weird and crazy experience, but it felt really good and it was a lot of fun in the end and I'm glad I got to do it. 

But yeah, that's life in the fast lane. Maybe next week I'll talk about this year, right, that's a thing to do. Eh. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: Good
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 5
Airplanes Ridden: 12
Concerts Attended: 5 (9 total) 


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